Welcome to third grade! We are going to be learning many new and exciting things. I hope you like dogs because our room is overrun with them. 🙂  

    This website is a great resource to see what we will be doing in ELA, math, science, and social studies.  You can also check out the "Calendar" section to see what is coming up and the "Homework" section to see the expectations for this year.

   *** If you need to contact me, you can email me at jkelley@millburyschools.org or call 508-865-3541. ***

Some notes about our class:

We will have a snack every day. Students are encouraged to bring in something to eat. Students may also have a water bottle.

When students bring in money (lunch, field trip, book fair, etc.), please make sure it is labeled with the student's first and last name, what it is for, and the teacher's name. This ensures that all money will arrive at the correct place. 

Students should not bring toys to school. They cause distractions, and students may become upset when they are told to put them away.

Wish List:

Here are some things that we can always use in our classroom.

Thank you for generosity!