Eighth Grade

A physically educated eighth grade student:

HAS learned skills necessary to perform a variety of activities

1. ...explore introductory outdoor pursuit skills.

2. ...combine skills competently to participate in modified versions of sport.

3. ...perform a variety of simple folk, line, country and creative dances.

4. ...use basic offensive and defensive strategies while playing a modified version of a sport.

5. ...practice in ways that are appropriate for learning new skills or sports on his/her own.

IS physically fit

6. ...correctly demonstrate various weight training techniques.

7. ...sustain an aerobic activity, maintaining a target heart rate, to achieve cardiovascular fitness benefits.

8. ...improve and maintain appropriate body composition.

DOES participate regularly in physical activity

9. ...participate in an individualized fitness program.

10. ...participate daily in comprehensive Sport Education program.

11. ...identify and follow rules while playing sports and games.

KNOWS the implications of and the benefits from involvement in physical activities

12. ...recognize the effects of substance abuse on personal health and performance in physical activity.

13. ...list long-term physiological, psychological, and cultural benefits that may result from engaging in physical activity.

14. ...describe principles of training and conditioning for specific physical activities.

15. ...describe personal and group conduct, including ethical behavior, appropriate for engaging in physical activity.

16. ...analyze and categorize activities and exercise according to potential fitness benefits.

17. ...analyze offensive and defensive strategies in games ans ports.

18. ...evaluate the roles of exercise and other factors in weight control.

VALUES physical activity and its contributions to a healthy lifestyle

19. ...feel satisfaction on days when engaging in physical activity.

20. ...enjoy the aesthetic and creative aspects of performance.

21. ...respects physical and performance limitations of self and others.

22. ...desires to improve physical ability and performance.