Suitable Home Office

Setting up a Suitable Home Office for the First Time

Over the past year, the number of people switching to full or part-time remote work has exploded, and with an estimated 42% of the U.S. labor force working from home, impromptu offices have begun appearing in houses everywhere—from that little nook under the stairs to a full-on shed conversion at the bottom of the garden!

This shift away from conventional offices has been on the cards for a while, and for many people, teleworking and remote working could very well be here to stay. However, if that is the case, then perching on the end of your sofa and hurriedly moving the cat out of your conference call might not be conducive to your best work. It’s probably a good idea to think about a suitable home office setup sooner rather than later.

The only problem is, setting up a home office for remote work for the first time can be a job in itself, especially if you have no home-working experience. But don’t stress, here, we’ve put together a bunch of top tips so you can set up your physical, digital, and headspace and turn any space into the perfect home office. Read on to learn more and build a comfortable workstation or area designed to help you focus and produce your best work!

Best Ways to Set Up a Home Office – Physical Space

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, full-time employees spent an average of 8.44 hours per day at their workplace, and regardless of how much time you spend at the water cooler, that’s still a whole lot of desk time. Luckily, leveraging the power of the ‘desk effect’ can help you boost productivity and efficiency, hopefully leading to LESS time spent procrastinating at your screen.

The “desk effect” is the potential impact that one’s desk layout and office environment has on productivity, professional output, and even professional satisfaction. Customizing a space to your needs and preferences can increase your productivity, promote positive habits, comfort, and even boost your happiness and professional joy.

Get Creative on Location, Location, Location

One thing never seems to change – location matters, especially when it comes to increasing productivity. Time to do a location check! Do you have the optimal location for your home office desk setup? What could you do to improve your location? What kind of things can you control or change?

If you need quiet to get into a work groove, a desk in an area where housemates or family can walk by and chat isn’t a great idea. On the other hand, perhaps working in the same room as somebody else will stop you from drifting down YouTube rabbit holes. Additionally, look at optimizing natural light, integrate space to stretch out and relay, and ensure you have access to all the plug sockets and/or LAN connections you need!

Figure Out Your Aesthetic

The more you love your workspace’s design, the more energized and inspired you will feel as you begin each day. Take 10 minutes to dream up your ideal home office setup and layout. If you find this difficult, start by identifying how you want to feel at your desk. Focused? Calm? Creative?

What colors are you seeing? Try to imagine the furniture, art, plants, lighting. What kind of aesthetic does it have? How do you feel walking around the space? What’s on the walls? As you begin to imagine your dream space, ask yourself, “Which workspace design aesthetics help me focus and get my creative juices flowing?”

Love spending your weekends in nature? A warm, natural elements style with colors like beige, brown, and muted blues and greens may help calm and clarify. Plants or fresh flowers are a must!

Work best with minimal distractions? If you’re a fan of clean lines and ‘less is more’ thinking, a minimalist home office setup can help keep you focused and centered. Stick to whites, grays, and splashes of color to keep your workspace clutter-free and Zen.