
3 Home Office Upgrades You Need If You Work Remotely

Working from home is a dream to most, but it comes with its own challenges. Mentally leaving “home mode” and entering “work mode” can be difficult if you never physically leave your house and your bed is only steps away. How can you actually become inspired to get work done in such cozy conditions?

While it may be easy to flop down on the couch in your sweatpants and decide it’s your new office, curating the space you work from is essential to your productivity and state of mind. As a remote worker, taking the time to thoughtfully choose the right setup is a worthy investment of your time.

To help you get your home office up to par for maximum efficiency, we’ve put together a list of essential upgrades straight from other remote workers who’ve shared the home office additions that have made their work (and life) easier.

Get the most out of remote work. Read our online handbook, The Future of Work: The Guide to Remote Work, to learn about the opportunities and challenges associated with working on a distributed team.

1. An ergonomic office chair to give your back some love

Stop me if this sounds familiar – you’re slumped over at your desk, neck craned over, and what was previously an annoying ache in your lower back has turned into something that’s affecting your work and wellbeing. Walking around and stretching only provides temporary relief.

A comfortable ergonomic chair, designed for maximum lumbar support, will help minimize back pain and let you focus. Science backs it up — a 2003 ergonomics study found that employees who were given an ergonomic chair reported fewer negative symptoms throughout the day and a total increase in productivity of 17.7%.

Dmitri Leonov, Co-founder of Sane Box

Day-to-day: I run a company called Sane Box, which is like a an AI assistant for your inbox. Typically I’m either at my desk working, jumping into conference calls, or traveling to events or trade shows.

Office Upgrade: The majority of my workday is spent sitting down, so I need to have a chair that gives the proper posture support. The Herman Miller Aeron Chair is truly the most comfortable office chair I’ve ever owned due to its variety of tilt options and lumbar height adjustments. However, my chair isn’t the only way I avoid back pain – to avoid sitting down for extended periods of time, I use the Pomodoro Technique, a time-management method that encourages 25 minutes of deep work followed by a short break, which I use to walk around or take a quick stretch.

2. Quality speakers to bump productive tunes

Music can help you relax and get energized. It can also improve your productivity.

According to a study by the University of Miami’s music therapy department, test subjects who listened to music while working were able to complete their tasks with superior quality and speed than the study group without the sweet tunes.

Having a nice Bluetooth speaker in your work environment allows you to fill your space with your favorite mood music and wash out any ambient distractions to improve your focus. So cue up a playlist of your ideal mood music (simple chord progressions, instrumentals and catchy rhythms often work best) and check out some of these office-ready speakers.

3. Soft light desk lamp for your optic and mental health

Another hallmark of a happy, productive work environment is a simple soft light desk lamp. A soft glow gives your work environment that warm, cozy feeling that may contribute to a mellower and less stressful home office.

Studies have shown that exposure to natural light during the day has positive effects on our mental and physical health, too, so open those blinds and let that light in — your brain will thank you for it. On the flipside, working in dimly lit environments where screens are the main light source strains the eyes, which can lead to fatigue, headaches and blurred vision.