3_Check for Understanding

Question: How will we know that students have learned?

Commitment: In PLCs, we will collaboratively discuss and review student work to determine whether or not students have learned. We will monitor the implementation of checking for understanding strategies and tools that inform instruction and foster student ownership of learning. 

Use the links to learn more about strategies in which your group is interested.

*Seek Evidence of Learning

Checking for Understanding Strategies

Protocol for Digital Learning Portfolios

Interactive Student Notebooks

Effective Questioning

Formative Assessments 

Summative Assessments 

Elicit Evidence of Student Learning: Constructed Response

*Advance Learning Through Feedback

Interactive Student Notebooks

Providing Effective Feedback

Tools for Gathering Feedback

*Develop Student Ownership of Learning

Interactive Student Notebooks

Question Formulation Technique

Formative Instructional Practices (coming soon)

*GADOE Milestones Assessment Guides and Tools (these will be updated)

Georgia Milestones Assessment Guides

Prim​ary Assessments