Library - FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do you charge a fine for overdue books?

No, there is no fine; however, if a student does not return their book, they can not check another book until they return it.

How many books can my child check out?

The number of books to check out depends on the grade your child is in. Kindergarteners, 1st graders and 2nd graders only check out 1 book each class. 3rd, 4th and 5th graders check out 2 books (1 Fiction, 1 Non-Fiction) each class. If they do not return one of the two books, they are only able to check out one for the one book they did return.

Is there a way that I can access the school's library catalog to see what books you have for my child to check out?

Yes. To access our Destiny online catalog, please go to Click on "South Hill Elementary School" and then begin your search.

Can my child renew their library book?


How do I know when my child has library?

Due to the size of our school, our specials schedule is on a 7 day rotation. Many teachers send home a note, calendar, etc. to notify parents of which special their child has. If not, you can always check my "Library Schedule" page. There I keep a weekly calendar to show which classes I have in library each day of the week.

What do you do if a student accidentally returns a library book belonging to the public library to your library by mistake?

We will return the library book to the public library as soon as possible.

Is my child able to check out books on days other than their library day?

Of course. Our library has open circulation every morning between 8:30 - 8:55. Children must see their homeroom teacher first and ask for permission to come to the library.

Are students allowed to take AR (Accelerated Reader) tests in the library?

No. Students are only allowed to take AR tests in their classrooms.

What should I do if my child has lost their library book?

We suggest that before a child pays for a lost book that the child and parent check their home, their bus, their car (even the trunk), a relative's or babysitter's house, and their classroom. Oftentimes, students mistakenly place their library book with books in their teacher's classroom with their teacher's books for the classroom. It's always a good idea to have good communication with your child's teacher. When you have looked everywhere you can think and still can't find the book, then you can contact me to see how much the book will cost. If the book is lost, your child will not be able to check out another book until payment has been made for lost book.

If we find my child's lost library book after I have paid for it, can I get my money back?

Yes. As long as you find the lost book within the school year in which the book was lost, you can get a refund for the book. After the school year has ended, we will not be able to refund your money.