Site-Based Work Experience (CCRD 3)

5441/5442 Site-Based Work Experience A/B Double-Period (CCRD 3)

1.0 credit per semester

Students participate in a site-based experience in conjunction with the career seminar class. Students work directly with industry professionals in a career of interest, while refining career goals and postsecondary plans. Student work sites must be approved and supervised by the teacher. Site-based learning must take place during school hours to allow for required work-site supervision by the teacher. To earn credit for double period, students are required to have a minimum of 135 hours of work experience per semester.

Prerequisite: College/Career Research and Development A/B (8092/8093)

Corequisite: Concurrent enrollment in College/Career Seminar class is required. Students must successfully complete the seminar class to receive site-based credit.

Grade Level: 11 - 12

May be repeated 3 times

Double period

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Site-Based Work Experience A/B (CCRD 3) Curriculum Resources