
Career Experiences, Career Internships, and Work-Based Learning Experiences

CCRD is a two-year program of study that prepares students with academic, technical, and workplace skills necessary to pursue future education and employment in a career field of their interest upon graduation from high school.

CCRD is a Program of Study (POS) for students. These state-approved programs, POSs, satisfy the OPTION 3 career development graduation requirement and are designed to help students acquire the specialized knowledge, skills, attitudes, and work habits required for postsecondary education and employment.

The internship program is similar to CCRD in many ways, but the programs are not interchangeable. The internship program provides the students with the opportunity to experience the business environment while under the expert supervision and guidance of a professional. Exposure to a chosen career field before graduation may assist in making a career choice while earning high school credit. This paid or non-paid position integrates the professional work environment with classroom skills. The seminar component focuses on pertinent skills, through speakers, discussions, and the collaborative sharing of information. Seventy-five hours of concurrent internship experience are required for each one-half internship credit.

Additional Program information can be found HERE.

This site can also be accessed through: http://tinyurl.com/mcpsccrd

Additional resources from MSDE can be found on the CRD site HERE (http://www.crd-msde.org/)