Mr. Boepple's World History Links

Welcome to 8 Blue World History !  As a convenience to you, I have created class calendar, class documents, and class grade pages that can be accessed online 24/7.  The class calendar has what we do in class every day, the homework, and important events like due dates and tests.  The documents page has every worksheet that I give in class in case a student needs extras.  As many of you may know, the Masconomet website has been redone and is currently being updated with new information.  Usually the links to my calendar, documents, and grades would be located there, but until they are, I have provided them below in Mr. Malio's website.  The class calendar is available to you with no username or password needed.  The class documents page and online grades will require a username and password that each student will be receiving soon.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Mr. Boepple