Teacher Work Sample


To show that teacher candidates can plan and implement units that will encourage and impact student learning.

The Following Components Must Be in the Modified Teacher Work Sample:

    1. Name of teacher candidate
    2. Name of unit
    3. Name of school and grade level
    4. Description of the context of the school by providing a chart of demographics, number of free and reduced lunches, and by providing a narrative description of the neighborhood. Candidates understanding the community in which they teach is imperative to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable all students to meet high standards (InTASC 3).
    5. Description of the context of the classroom by creating the following:
      1. A chart, indicating the make-up of the class; assign each student a number (do NOT use names), indicate special needs (IEPs, learning disabilities, gifted, EL, hearing impaired, etc.) (InTASC 2).
      2. List and explain general modifications for each student with special needs (InTASC 1).
      3. List and explain modifications for each student with special needs for EACH lesson (InTASC 1).
      4. In narrative form, explain how the classroom is arranged for individual, small group and large group instruction and for independent work that will foster collaborative learning, and that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning and self motivation (InTASC 3).
      5. Explain what strategies will be used to address individual differences and diverse cultures and communities, all learning styles, and to encourage critical thinking and problem solving skills (InTASC 2).
    6. List of unit goals—cognitive, linguistic, psychomotor, social, and affective—and align each with OAS. Be sure to paraphrase the OAS so it is evident that the goals align with OAS (InTASC 1).
    7. A blank copy of pre-test/post-test and multiple methods of assessments to engage learners in their own growth, monitor learner progress, and guide candidate’s and learner’s decision making (InTASC 6).
    8. At least five (5) detailed lesson plans, following the Oklahoma Effective Teaching Model which follows the Madeline Hunter Teaching Model; be sure to list all strategies used throughout the unit:
      1. List lesson goals and align each with OAS (InTASC 7).
      2. Anticipatory: How will you get their attention so students are actively engaged in critical thinking? (InTASC 7) How will you check for students’ background knowledge?
      3. Teach the lesson – write out each point you plan to teach. Be sure to know your concepts so you can engage student in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues (InTASC 5). Share with students how they can use the learned concept in many different situations (InTASC 5. Remember to engage all children, including those with any type of special need.
      4. Check for understanding – write out questions or indicate how you will attempt to monitor student progress and monitor future decision making (InTASC 6).
      5. Guided Practice – Give specific details that will motivate students to engage in the independent practice (InTASC 8).
      6. Independent Practice – Include any worksheet or project instructions in your report. Be sure (1) the independent practice is developmentally appropriate so that every student meets rigorous learning goals (InTASC 7); (2) to indicate the modifications for special needs (InTASC 2); (3) that some or all lessons encourage collaboration and foster active inquiry (InTASC 3); (4) the independent practice encourages the students’ deep understanding of content areas and their development of critical thinking and problem solving skills (InTASC 8); and (5) your activity is not “busy work.”
      7. Closure – Explain how you will monitor learner progress (InTASC 6).
    9. Self evaluation/reflection of each lesson (InTASC 9):
      1. Did you accomplish your goal?
      2. What aspect of the lesson went very well? Why?
      3. What aspect of the lesson did not go very well? Why?
      4. What could you have done differently?
      5. What part of the lesson must you teach again? How will you do that?
      6. What specific modifications did you use? Why did you choose that modification?
      7. Did you use the most effective grouping for instruction and work? How could you have done it differently?
    10. Analysis of Unit Goals in Chart Form: list goal, indicate if goal was MET or NOT MET, and give rationale for your decision. Insert the following table (InTASC 6).

Sample of Unit Goal Table

Analysis of Lesson Goals in Chart Form: list goal, indicate if goal was MET or NOT MET, and give rationale for your decision. Insert the following table (InTASC 6).

Sample of Lesson Goal Table

Show Learning Gains in Graph Form: Use the following formula and chart (InTASC 6).

You must first calculate a learning gain score for each individual student. Once you have figured every student’s gain score, you MUST calculate the average gain score for the entire class as a whole.

FORMULA: (Post assessment – Pre assessment)

(100% - Pre assessment)

Sample Table of Learning Gain Scores

SNU Reflection Form as Cover Sheet: on the form, reflect on the entire experience by relating it to the following part of InTASC 9: The Candidate “uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice…and adapts practice to meet the need of each learner.” How did this experience help you understand the importance of using a variety of assessments? How did you use the results of the assessments to modify your teaching? How did this experience help you to develop into a strong professional decision maker?