Applied Psychology

Information About Applied Psychology
~PSYC 26~

I am teaching one section of Applied Psychology this fall (2024). Applied psychology focuses on psychological concepts, theory, and research findings relevant to human adjustment and personal growth. We will spend the semester focusing on the proactive and practical application of psychology to improve self-awareness, facilitate personal growth, and enhance social relationships. In teaching this course, I have two goals. The first is to help facilitate an increase in your knowledge and understanding of certain areas of psychology. The second goal is to teach the practical application of this knowledge and understanding to your life. We will cover a variety of topic areas including personality development, self-esteem and self-concept, stress and coping, motivation, emotions, decision making, aspects of positive psychology, social influence, communication, conflict management, information on love and close relationships, and much more. Most people enjoy and benefit from the course because they find that the information they learn is personally and professionally relevant and helpful.   

The Textbook for PSYC 26

The required textbook for this course is Psychology Applied to Modern Life, 13th Edition, by Weiten, Dunn, and Hammer (Cengage, 2024). I will also provide some supplemental or substitution readings in class.  Please note that we are not using Mindtap, which is a separate website/online resource set up by the publisher of the textbook. So, you do not need to purchase an access code. You have various textbook options available to you, so it pays to check things out so that you find what option will work best for you. Check with me if you want to know about using an earlier edition. 

We cover around 1 chapter a week in the textbook (along with some other tasks related to the reading assignments). The text is your primary source of information. So, it is important that you have access to a copy of the textbook. 

The Course Format 

PSYC 26 is a tech-enhanced class, and during the spring 2024 semester it will be taught in person on the Ocean Campus. 

Mark your calendar! The first day of class is Monday, 8/19. This course meets on Mondays and Wednesdays from 12:10pm - 1:25pm in JDVL 802. 

A tech-enhanced class at CCSF is a face-to-face class in which the instructor uses the Canvas learning management system to store course content and student resources, such as the syllabus, course schedule, handouts, study guides, grades, and assignments, so that they are consistently available to students.  Canvas can also be used to have discussions, submit assignments and exams, take quizzes, and keep track of grades. Canvas can be accessed via the following URL: 

So, you will need to log in to Canvas to submit assignments and exams and to conduct course business. When I have class announcements I will use the Announcements board in Canvas, and you may be required to periodically post to a discussion board (though most discussions will occur in class)

To log in to Canvas, you must use your RAM ID. If you are a registered student, you do have a RAM ID. If you are new to CCSF, you may need to set up your RAM ID. Instructions for logging in to Canvas can be found here:  Claim Your Ram ID and Login to Canvas: Student Guide.