Classroom Wish List

A link to an amazon wish list:

Items that would be greatly appreciated:

Disinfecting Wipes (I have no water source in the room so this is needed to keep tables clean.)

Alcohol wipes to clean chrome books Plug in air freshener Mints

EXPO markers Student Scissors Lined paper Kleenex

"prizes" like stickers, pencils, erasers, lanyards and squish balls or foam ones and bracelets are great for my

treasure box

***Wiki Stix - as a Language Arts teacher I use these little wax stix to mark answers in the textbooks. They get a little gross over time so new ones are appreciated.

***Squish balls - Stress balls - I would love to have a class set of these. I understand how much students like spinners but they often make a noise and become distracting. Squish balls fill that same need and if I had a class set I allow students to get one when needed.