
Print from all your iOS devices to virtually any printer!

xPrintServer enables wireless printing for iOS devices such as iPads® and iPhones® using their native print menu. It eliminates the need to print through apps, install software, or email yourself documents for printing. And more importantly, you don't need to buy a new printer because xPrintServer works with more than 4,000 top brand USB and network printers.

Print at the office and at home!

Why the xPrintServer?

  • Print to virtually any printer / no need to a buy new printer
  • No apps or software to buy or load
  • Easy to use / automatic discovery and set up of printers
  • Print directly from the iOS native menu
  • Advanced configurations via web interface
  • One xPrintServer supports multiple printers & virtually unlimited iOS devices

xPrintServer is perfect for home, small offices, and enterprises