
The Lynchburg Bird Club was founded in April, 1958 under the guidance of Dr. Ruskin Freer, a biology professor at Lynchburg College, now the University of Lynchburg. Birding in Lynchburg goes back to the early twentieth century, however, when several of the founding members of the Virginia Society of Ornithology (VSO) lived and birded in the Lynchburg area.

The Lynchburg Bird Club welcomes anyone with an interest in birds. You do not have to be an expert and, in fact, many of our members consider themselves to be novices. The club meets on the second Wednesday of every month from September through May at 7 P.M. in the Martin Science Hall at Randolph College. After a brief session of announcements, bird reports, and club business, we have a program by a featured speaker. The program usually includes slides, video, or some other visuals; it is primarily about birds, but often includes other areas of interest as well. Visitors and guests are always welcome at the monthly meetings.

In addition to monthly meetings, the bird club offers many other activities. In the fall, there are hawk watches in the mountains and here on the Piedmont to learn more about the movement of raptors through Virginia. Since the founding of the Lynchburg Bird Club, members have participated in bird census counts, including a local Christmas Bird Count and a Breeding Bird Count. These counts contribute to our knowledge of the fluctuations in bird populations both locally and nationally.

Numerous field trips are offered throughout the year, always with leaders available to help those who are just cultivating their interest in birds. Among the places we often visit are the lakes in Amherst County, James River State Park, Red Hill near Brookneal, and Staunton River Battlefield State Park.

The club sponsors an annual bird seed sale and backyard birding event in the fall. This is the club’s only fund raiser. Order forms are available from any member.

From September through May members receive the bimonthly newsletter, The Bluebird, which highlights the next meeting’s program, gives details on upcoming field trips, and contains other items of interest. Whether you are simply a feeder watcher, a gardener who would like to attract birds to your home, or someone who wants to know more about the birds in our area, the newsletter will have something that interests you.

The club revised The Birds of Lynchburg, Virginia and Vicinity for the fourth time in 2003. This is an annotated checklist of all of the birds that have been recorded in Lynchburg and the three surrounding counties (Amherst, Bedford, and Campbell). The original edition of this book was compiled by Dr. Freer in 1939. Click on this link for a field checklist of the Birds of Lynchburg.