Lunenburg High School
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Reminder that Middle and High School have two separate lines when making calls to the Office, Attendance Line, and the Health Office.
Due to the volume of calls we have been receiving, it is imperative that messages are left with the correct school. The individual numbers for the Middle and High School are as follows:
Middle School Office: 978-582-4710. Follow prompts for MS Attendance Line, MS Health Office
High School Office: 978-582-4115. Follow prompts for HS Attendance Line, HS Health Office
About LHS | Academics & Curriculum | Administration | Athletics | Calendars | Community | COVID | Directory of Staff | Faculty & Staff Resources (Closed Site) | Food Services | Health Office | Library Media Center | School Adjustment Office | School Counseling Office | Student Registration | Student Resources | Teachers & Departments
LHS News & Information
58th Annual Competitive Class Plays
On Thursday, February 13th, come be part of a long-standing Lunenburg tradition and cheer on LHS students performing in the 58th Annual Competitive Class Plays! This year, the Class of 2027 and the Class of 2026 will be squaring off before judges to become the school's newly crowned champion after the graduation of last year's reigning Seniors. Anticipation is high after a long month of rehearsals, and a number of students are stepping out on stage to your support for the first time! The program will feature short genre pieces sure to entertain all ages and conclude with a round of awards and recognition for fine performances.
Doors open at 6:30pm, curtain rises at 7:00pm.
Admission is $10 for Adults and $5 for Students
Brief intermission included
MENUS & Food Service Policy
School Meals are FREE for all again this school year!
Class of 2025 Senior Information
Graduating Senior & Transferring Students: How to Transfer or Download School Google Account Files
Class of 2025 Google Accounts will be deactivated on July 1
Tips for the Google Calendars:
Hover over small calendar to the right & click gray Open icon to view calendar full screen.
Use tabs to switch calendar view.
If you use Google Calendar, subscribe by clicking the +GoogleCalendar button found in the bottom right corner. This gives the opportunity to view the subscribed calendar under Other Calendars within your own account (calendars can be toggled on/off by clicking the box in front of that calendar) and even copy events to your Google Calendar.
2024-2025 School Year Information
If any student has an issue with their Chromebook, send an email or stop by the D104 Tech Office during office hours
Lunenburg 2024-2025 Bus Routes Listing - UPDATED 8/20
Athletic Fee Waiver Application (new online version)
Lunenburg High School games can be streamed on HUDL. Please check the platform for pricing options.
Weight room for high school students will be open after school Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 2:30-3:30
Lunenburg High School
1079 Massachusetts Avenue
Lunenburg, MA 01462
FAX: 978-582-4153
The Mission of the Lunenburg Public Schools is to provide all students with the skills, confidence, and passion for life-long learning so that they may find their own paths to successful careers, active citizenship, and rewarding lives.
Lunenburg Public Schools is committed to maintaining a work and learning environment free from discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, pregnancy, gender identity, sexual orientation, marital/civil union status, ancestry, place of birth, age, citizenship status, veteran status, political affiliation, housing status, migrant status, language spoken, genetic information or disability, as defined and required by state and federal laws. Additionally, we prohibit retaliation against individuals who oppose such discrimination and harassment or who participate in an equal opportunity investigation.