
    • Upload submission into the page for the next Academic Council Meeting below. In the appropriate month page, click on the "Add File"button.

    • If multiple related submissions are being made, please include an overview document, with the file name including the program and "Overview", like "Biology Proposals Overview.doc".

    • Name new major and minor proposal files with just the major or minor name, like "Nanotechnology Major.doc".

    • Name new course proposal files just with the department abbreviation and number, like "COMP 333.doc". Remember to include the syllabus in the same document as the course form.

    • Name a proposal file only for a cross-listing number, with the course, number, and "New Number", like "INTS 345 New Number.doc'

    • Name files for changes to majors, minors, and courses, by appending "Change" to the file name formats above, like "Comp 333 Change.doc" or "Biology Major Change.doc".

    • Use the exact same name if you upload a revision. (Google Sites handles this neatly, keeping track of all versions!)