Schedule Change Policy

Each year, students and parents have the opportunity to participate in the Spring Enrollment Conferences where courses are requested for the next school year. Additionally, students have several opportunities to examine and consider the course offerings at LSHS. Those opportunities help to ensure that students and parents are making well-informed choices as they request courses for the upcoming school year. The LSHS schedule is built around those student requests. Therefore, the following criteria will apply to any schedule change request:

Before the first meeting of a class - Schedule changes will not be made unless one of the following criteria is met:

After the semester begins - Schedule changes will not be made unless one of the following criteria is met:

Year-long class change at semester - Students who wish to change out of a year-long class at the end of 1st semester due to a deficient grade (below C-) must meet the following guidelines:

The complete schedule change policies can be found in the LSHS Handbook.