Grief & Loss

Quick Links:

Healing House - Lafayette, LA organization that offers support and education for grieving children and their caregivers free of charge.

Colation to Support Grieving Children - online video modules to help adults support grieving children.

The Truth About Grief and Loss - Information from PsychCentral about grief and loss.

Helping Children Cope with Loss, Death and Grief - PDF that covers expressions of grief, helping children cope, developmental phases and understanding death, tips for Children and Teens with Grieving Friends and Classmates, and Resources for Grieving and Traumatized Children. Grief Resources - is a great resource for a variety of topics with tabs for parents, children and teens. This links specifically focuses on grief.

Helping Children and Adolescents Deal with Grief - Explores useful ideas, things to avoid, stages of grief, children's understanding at different ages, emotions children commonly experience, and a bibliography section of books that may be useful.