TKAM Inquiry Questions for Chapters 1-8

TKAM Inquiry Questions for Chapters 1-8

Directions: Choose one of the three inquiry questions identified below and write a 5-8 sentence paragraph explaining how the text addresses the question. You might want to compose your responses on a Google doc first and paste them into the text boxes on the form when you are done.


-write one paragraph about how the book addresses one question below.

Use the form to the right to enter your responses. Here are some characters and events to consider just in case you are having a difficult time thinking of a response: Atticus, Walter Cunningham, Jr., Dill, school events, Scout and her point of view, Jem and his reputation.

Inquiry Questions

1) How do children and adults view the world differently?

2) What makes a good parent?

3) How does social status affect behavior?