AAA Assignment

Your AAA (Adverb/Adjective/Art)

Directions: Your first assignment is what I call the AAA. It is a language arts and art project where you choose TWO WORDS that you feel describe you. Here are the catches:

1) The project must be colorful and/or as artistic as can be.

2) The first word must be an adverb (tells how something is done), the second word must be an adjective (describes a person, place, or thing), and both words must create a form of alliteration or assonance. Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds in words near each other, and assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in words close to each other.

3) AAA's should be visually appealing, and they need to be created on a regular 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of plain, unlined paper. Orient your AAA landscape style, not portrait.

4) Please include your heading (first and last name, class, date) on the front, and don't be surprised when I post these on one of my bulletin boards!

Examples are below.

Alliteration Examples

Superbly Silent

Wonderfully Wild

Mostly Motivated

Assonance Examples

Always Amazing

Ultimately Untouchable

Effortlessly Enthusiastic