Mileage Club

Mileage Club is a wonderful way for kids to move in the outdoors. Every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8:20-8:40, children may walk on the sidewalks to the rear of the building and begin walking or running around our course. Students may report the number of laps they complete during their PE class, so no need for their MC cards. Students also go outdoors for Mileage Club during PE class as a warm-up. They may receive extra checks for walking or biking to/from school.

Mileage Club ends for the season by Thanksgiving Break and begins again in the spring.

Please come join us for our All- School Mileage Club Events on Wednesday before Thanksgiving at 11:00

The day before Winter Break at 2:15

The day before Spring Break at 2:15

Mileage Club Rocks! (click)