Rahul Makkar

I, Rahul Makkar, am currently associated as a Researcher at DNN Wireless, The LNMIIT, Jaipur, India. I received the Doctoral Philosophy degree in Analysis of NOMA over TWDP Fading for 5G and Beyond Wireless Systems from LNMIIT, Jaipur, India. I have more than six years of experience in academics, research and teaching. Furthermore,  my research interests include PHY link-level simulation, cooperative communication, MIMO, OFDM, Index modulation, Intelligent reflecting surfaces and NOMA analysis. I have recently been working on 5G and beyond communication systems. Moreover, with the advent of high data transmission through optical communication, working on high-speed multimedia transmission through IR/LED and prototyping a 5G NR-enabled wireless repeater.  

Being an active member of IEEE, I have published more than 23 research publications, including peer-reviewed articles and flagship conference proceedings.                        

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” – Mark Twain