
Liberty Charter Physical Education

Covid-19 -Home School Update

Hello all, I hope you all are staying well during this new period of live. All the students that are enrolled into Coach Abbas' PE class are also enrolled in my Google classroom. Each week the students will log into their google classroom to find their weekly challenge. The goal is to keep them active in their homes 4 times a week for 35 minutes and to read one healthy article during the week. If you have any question please email me. My office hours are Tuesday's and Thursday's from 9-10.

Welcome to Coach Abbas' Physical Education website. This website is an intro to my classroom and gives information for everyone to be physically fit for life! My Physical Education class is going to be a fun, creative, competitive, and informational for every one to learn how to be active in life.

A little bit about me: I have a four year old son(Micah) and a two year old (Josiah) with my wife (Kristin) of nine years. I love physical activities and believe that they have so much to offer students to become successful, healthy, well-rounded citizens after high school. My faith, family, soccer, volleyball, and friends play a big part of my life. One of my goals in life was to go to a World Cup, which I was able to attend in 2010 in South Africa.

Note for students: If you miss class, you can find projects or handouts to complete to receive participation points under syllabus, homework, and resources.