2. Behavior Expectations

As a choir member you are expected to consistently display a discipline for working during rehearsals and a discipline toward sincere communication in performance.  Any other behavior is considered inappropriate.  If your behavior is not constructive, you will be dealt with individually.  Some positive behaviors that will help the choir include:

1.  RESPECT of others, self and facilities/materials and the process of learning and performing  music.      

          *Phones must be off and away from your body during class and performances.  

  *Communication watches must be put on focus mode during class time. 

2.  NO GUM, CANDY, FOOD or DRINK (closed H2O bottles okay)

3.  Be prepared for rehearsals (pencil, music, etc.) and performances (appropriate attire, etc.).

4. Being punctual (on time) *Be in seat, with folder and pencil when bell rings ~ **Be EARLY to all call times.

5.  Expect the BEST!  

**Remember, all school rules apply in our classroom!**

 ** Consult your school handbook if you have a question.**


Apologize for mistakes!!!  

 *Your success in these behaviors will be reflected in your daily participation grade.*