
143 Publications (12/2022): Total Citations: 3553 , H-index: 29 ; list of publications on "ORCID"

1 Book: R.Torre, “Time-Resolved Spectroscopy in Complex Liquids”, Springer 2008, New York, here the "book"

Research ID available at " Torre on Scholar " , "Torre at ResearchGate"

63 Talks at National and International Conferences, including:

European Conference on Liquid Crystals,(Bovec, Slovenia, Marzo 1995)

Gordon Research Conference on " Physics and Chemistry of Liquid" (Holderness, New Hamp., U.S.A., Agosto 1997):

Dyproso XXVII Conference(Tours, Francia, Settembre 1999)

4th International Discussion Meeting on Relaxation of Complex System,(Creta, Grecia, Giugno 2001)

2nd International Symposium on Laser-ultrasonics (Talence, France, July 2010)

NanoComposites 2011 (Paris 7-10 June 2011)

Faraday Discussion FD167 2013 (Bristol, September 2013)

NORDITA Conference: WATER – the most anomalous liquid (Stockholm, Sweden, September 2014)

Workshop on Water under Extreme Condition (Roma, Italy, 10-12 June 2015)

2nd Int.Workshop on Brilluoin Scattering ( Roma, Italia, 3-5 Febbraio 2016)

ISEMA 2016 – 11th Int. Conf. on Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with Water and Moist Substances (Firenze, Italy, 23-27 Maggio 2016)

Water X (Nice, France, 14-16 Luglio 2016)

Workshop on Water under Extreme Condition (Roma, Italy, 14-16 June 2017)

XV International Workshop on Complex Systems, (Andalo, Trento, 17-20, March 2019) Laser Induced Nucleation in Supersaturated Aqueous KCl Solutions

Seminar at Fermi-Electra (Trieste, 12 February 2020) Water’s non-equilibrium states: the experimental perspective.

Seminar at Dip. Fisica e Matematica, Roma Tre (Roma, 23 Novembre 2022) From Liquid to Biological Water: Dynamics by ultrafast laser spectroscopy.

National Press Review

This is a series of articles on the Italian national press, reporting the experimental results on supercooled water published on 2004 NATURE paper, vol. 428, p. 296-298:

La Stampa, tSt, 31-03-2004, pag. 1: La Repubblica, 18-04-2004, pag. XV: Corriere della sera, 18-04-2004, pag.28: Le Scienze, luglio 2005, pag.16: Radio Interview, 24-03-2004, Radio24, “Il volo delle oche”. TV interview, 30-03-2004, RAI2EDU, “EXPLORA” .

This is a series of articles on the Italian national press, reporting the experimental results on supercooled water published on 2013 NATURE COMMUNICATION paper, Vol 4, pag. 2401: 16-09-2013 “Il mistero dell'acqua svelato: Ha due volti, è unica” ; 16-09-2013 “Doppia organizzazione per le molecole d’acqua” ; 16-09-2013: Fisica: “studio italiano conferma doppia struttura molecola acqua” ; 20-09-2013 “La forma dell’acqua? Ne ha due” ; 16-09-2013 “ Scienza: studio conferma doppia organizzazione molecolare dell’acqua”.