The Time-Domain Spectroscopy with THz pulses (TDS-THz)

High Intensity - Low Repetition

We generate the THz pulse using the non-linear phenomena in the plasma and ... (to be continued)

Dr. Stefano Benci working on the THz set-up present at LENS.

Low Intensity - High Repetition

In our THz-TDS set-up the femtosecond laser pulses (about 20 fesc) generate picosecond THz pulses by the non-linear processes in ZnTe crystal (100 micrometer thickness). The THz pulses are characterized by broad frequency band spanning from 0.1 to 5 THz ( 3.3 cm-1 to 165 cm-1). The THz detector is a photocoductive antenna switch which is fed with an optical pulse trigger coming from the same excitation laser source. The temporal shape of the broadband THz wave is then measured in femtosecond time-resolution by an optical delay line provided by a motorized stage. By Fourier-transformation of the time-domain data, the terahertz spectra is obtained .

An overview of the THz emission and detection mechanism in our THz-TDS is presented.

Images of the table top set-up for THzTDS experiment present in our lab.

... more in :

THz time-domain spectroscopic investigations of thin films.

Taschin, A.; Bartolini, P.; Tasseva, J.; Torre, R. MEASUREMENT, 116 (2017), in press

Thin layered drawing media probed by THz time-domain spectroscopy

J. Tasseva, A. Taschin, P. Bartolini, J. Striova, R. Fontana, R. Torre.

Analyst 142 (2017) 42-47