8th Grade ELA Grading Policy

Running Brushy Middle School 8th ELA Grading Policy 

RBMS 8th ELA will be operating gradebook with the following categories:

98% - Language Arts Skills (changed/updated based on higher assessment, shows current level of mastery)

1%   - Evidence of Learning (running log of assignments/assessments using skills-grading rubrics)

1%   - Commitment to Learning (assessment of timeliness, completion, and accuracy of assignments)

Late work policy:

Late work will be reflected in the Commitment to Learning category. Students can receive a 100 if completed correctly and turned in on the due date. Students are expected to turn in work on time. If students turn in the assignment late, 5 points will be docked per school day past the due date. If the assignment is 7+ days late, the student can only earn a 60 if completed as instructed. 

If work is not turned in on time they have until the last Wednesday of the grading cycle to achieve their own level of mastery, up to full credit in the Language Arts and Evidence of Learning categories. If work is not received by the last Wednesday of the grading cycle the student will receive a zero for the assignment. 

Redo/Retake policy:

Students will have until the last Wednesday of the grading cycle to achieve their own level of mastery on the final assignment/assessment per specific skill that has been taught, up to full credit. Students will complete a teacher tutorial within two days after it is graded. The teacher will provide an additional assignment/assessment covering the skills of the assignment/assessment. 

Purpose of Grades:

The focus of a grading system is to measure student mastery on their learning targets. The purpose of grades is to provide students with feedback about their progress and achievement, guide students about future coursework, provide guidance to teachers for instructional planning and communicate progress to parents. 

LISD Grading Policy Expectations: 

Skills-Based Grading Components 

In order to report the most accurate snapshot of a student’s current level of skills mastery, LISD ELA teachers are committed to the following five components of skills-based grading 

If you have further questions about our grading policy, please feel free to contact your student's teacher.