
Bio361 Lecture and Lab Schedule (Fall 2024)

Office Hours Tues 9:30-10:30AM, Wed 11:30AM-noon, when my office door is open, and by appointment

Blue Lab Access Schedule

AxioImager.M2 Signup Calendar

AxioImager.D2 Signup Calendar

Bio110 handbook (great resources for lab work, etc.)

Note: All links are in BOLD and underlined!

Weeks 1-4

Precourse Survey (please complete by noon Fri Aug 30th)

Outline/Overview/Slides Week 1 (Sept 3-5)

1. Course syllabus,
2. Chapter 9,
3. Cell size and scale

Due by noon Aug 30th:
1. Precourse Survey (please complete by noon Aug 30)

Topics: Course introduction, How are organelles made?
Organelle discovery: microscopy

Week 1 lab (Sep 5)

Prelab Reading/Assignment:
1. Lab syllabus,
2. Introduction to C. elegans;  
3. Directions for: Visualizing, chunking, and picking C. elegans
4. Culturing C. elegans (Section 4-Culturing C. elegans on petri plates)

Due before lab Sep 5th:
Google quiz (due before lab).

In lab:
In lab powerpoint (here). Overview of lab organization, logistics, group work, digital notebooks, C. elegans as an experimental system, culturing C. elegans, recognizing and picking different C. elegans life stages.

Outside of lab: Grow N2 so that you have adults in lab next week.

Outline/Overview/Slides Week 2 (Sep 10-12)

Reading/Assignment: pp. 115-132, 140-144, Chapter 10; JC sign up in class Sep 10
Journal Club directions

Topics: Organelle discovery-microscopy; Organelle composition-structure and function of proteins 

Week 2 lab (Sep 12)
Prelab Reading/Assignment:
1. Lysosome-Related Organelles (Sections 1, 3, and 4 only)
2. Gut granules are autofluorescent in adults (read  Clokey & Jacobson, 1986) Read pages 79-80 and 83-90.
3. Directions for how to add adults to agar pads and how to image and score autofluorescent organelle numbers and size in adults
4. Directions and feedback rubric for how to create a table presenting your scoring of autofluorescent organelle numbers and size

Due before lab on Sep 12:
1. Google quiz on readings

In lab:
1. The research question: Does ACP-5 regulate lysosome-related organelle (LRO) size or number?
2. LROs and gut granules.
3. Decide on roles within your lab group.
4. Picking adults onto agar pads. 
5. Using fluorescence microscopy to  image and score autofluorescent organelle number and size.
6. Week 2 lab powerpoint.

Outside of lab: Score autofluorescent organelle number and size in 40 N2 and 40 GH1195 adults.  Create two tables summarizing your results. Capture images that show the take home message from your quantification.
Directions and feedback rubric for how to create tables presenting your scoring of autofluorescent organelle numbers and size. 

Outline/Overview/Slides Week 3 (Sep 17-19)

Reading/Assignment: pp. 480-488, 658-665

Due by Sep 19th:
1. Problem Set #1 due before class

Topics: Organelle composition-structure and function of proteins; Models and expt test how mitochondria are made; Biochemical assay for mitochondrial protein targeting/transport 

Week 3 lab (Sep 19) 

Prelab Reading/Assignment:
1. Read "Single-tissue proteomics in Caenorhabditis elegans reveals proteins resident in intestinal lysosome-related organelles" focusing on the data in Figures 1 ,5 and Table 1.

Due by Sep 19th (before lab):
1.. Google quiz on the reading.
2. Prepare and bring tables summarizing your scoring of autofluorescent organelle size and number. Directions here.

In lab:
Week 3 powerpoint (here). 
1. Discuss your results by looking at your two tables in  lab (bring hardcopies). Directions and feedback rubric for how to create tables presenting your scoring of autofluorescent organelle numbers and size.
2. Discuss if there are any changes in autofluorescent organelle number or size in GH1195.  If yes, are they caused by acp-5(gk529425))

Outside of lab:
1. Score autofluorescent organelle number and size in 40 adults of the new VCXXXXX strain.
2. Create an adult autofluorescent organelle figure for next week.  Figure directions and rubric here.
3. Create revised tables including any new data acquired over the past week.

Outline/Overview/Slides Week 4 (Sep 24-26)

Reading/Assignment: pp. 726-733
Rules of evidence

Due before class Sep 26th:
1. Literature search

Topics: Function of the amino terminus of COXIV; Pathways for mitochondrial protein import

Week 4 lab (Sep 26) 

Prelab Reading/Assignment:
1. Create revised tables including any new data acquired over the past week (place them in your digital lab notebook, will be scored worth 5pts).
2. Create a figure using images of autofluorescent organelles in adults that show the results of your experiments and place it in your digital lab notebook (5 pts for completion, feedback in class). Figure directions and rubric here.

In lab:
1. Discuss your figures and results in class. Todays lab powerpoint.
2. Are changes in adult autofluorescent organelles size or numbers caused by acp-5(-)?
3. Discuss how to be more quantitative in documenting autofluorescent organelle size.

Outside of lab:
1. Images and measure autofluroescent organelle size in your N2, GH1195, and VCXXXXX strains using the measuring protocol here.
2. Create a revised adult autofluorescence figure and place it in your digital lab notebook prior to next lab (will be scored, worth 5 pts). Figure directions and scoring rubric here

Weeks 5-8

Outline/Overview/Slides Week 5 (Oct 1-3)

Reading/Assignment: pp. 698-709; 749-776

Due before class Oct 3rd:
Problem Set #2

Topics: Making the Golgi-adding proteins to the ER and vesicle trafficking

Week 5 lab (Oct 3) 

Prelab Reading/Assignment:
1. Have a full set of diameter measurements placed in a copy of the sample Google sheet linked below created using the measuring protocol here.

Due before lab Oct 3rd:
1. Create a  revised figure showing autofluorescent organelles in adults that show the result of your experiments and place it in your digital lab notebook (will be scored, worth 5 pts). 

In lab:
1. Use the SuperPlotsofData website to graph and analyze your autofluorescent organelle size data.
2. Sample Google sheet to copy and use in lab today
3. Graphing directions hereSuperPlots of Data Article.
4. Prepare a graph and legend of your results in lab today using SuperPlotsofData graph directions and scoring rubric here and place a copy of it in your digital lab notebook.
5. Analyze your data and plan the timeline and content of Micropublication I using the worksheet located here.
6. Slides presented in lab here.
7. Does ACP-5 regulate gut granule size or number?
Outside of lab:  MicroPublication 1 is due Oct 17 by 1pm (no lab next week b/c of fall break).
-microPublication directions.

Outline/Overview/Slides Week 6 (Oct 8)

Reading/Assignment: pp. 776-787;  Vesicle trafficking video

Due before class Oct 8th:
1. Does race matter in cell biology Homework

Topics: Does race matter in cell biology?
Vesicle trafficking between the ER and Golgi; Endolysosome Formation:-Organelle maturation

Week 6 lab (Oct 10)

Fall Break no lab Oct 10 

Prelab Reading/Assignment:
1. We will not meet in lab this week.
2. Submit Micropublication 1 before 1pm Oct 17th .
-Self and peer evaluation of group work (required)
-MicroPublication directions here. 

Outline/Overview/Slides Week 7 (Oct 15-17)

-pp. 949-957; 987-1007
-Mid-course feedback (optional and anonymous) please submit by Fri  Oct 18th

Due Oct 15:
1. Underrepresented voices in Cell Biology (link to articles and HW due Oct 15)

Oct 17 Journal Club: Release of SARS-CoV-2 from cells (COVID-19)
By  Lei L., Hannah L., Lucy C., Katelyn O.
1. Chen et al. 2021
2. Journal Club directions
3. Self and Peer evaluation of contributions to journal club presentation (Required for presenters)

Due  Oct 17th:
1. Chen et al. JC Homework

Topics: Endolysosome Formation:-Organelle maturation
Question #2-How do cells move? Constructing a microtubule array; Underrepresented voices in Cell Biology

Week 7 lab (Oct 17)

Prelab Reading/Assignment:
1. Instructions for developing your independent project and proposal

Due before lab Oct 17th:
1. Micropublication 1
2. 2ndary author feedback
3.  Self and peer evaluation of group work (required)

In lab
Project Planning I
1. Proteomic paper identifying  putative gut granule proteins in C. elegans including ACP-5
2. Folder with articles on gut granules, LROs, and acp-5
3. In lab powerpoint slides

Outside of lab:
Proposal primary author begin writing introductory sections of the proposal.

Outline/Overview/Slides Week 8 (Oct 22-24)

Reading/Assignment: pp. 957-974

Oct 21-24 Take home Exam #1 available outside of Greg's office at 9am on Oct 21

Optional Study Question 1

Topics: Motors/Cell swimming; Constructing a microfilament array

Week 8 lab (Oct 24)

Prelab Reading/Assignment: 

In lab
Project Planning II
1. Project Design Worksheet (make a copy and place it in your digital lab notebook)
2. Powerpoint slides today

Outside of lab:
1. Prepare proposal for submission in class on Oct 29th: Four hardcopies of the proposal due  in class only include author names on the coversheet.  Include the proposal title at the top of the body of the proposal.
2. Instructions for developing your independent project and proposal
3. Submit a self and peer evaluation of proposal development by 5pm Oct 29th.

Weeks 9-12

Outline/Overview/Slides Week 9 (Oct29-31)

-pp 1016-1023, 1027-1034

Due Oct 29th:
1. Four hardcopies of the proposal due  in class on Oct 29th.  Only include author names on the coversheet.  Include the proposal title at the top of the body of the proposal.  Share a editable Google doc with the instructor.
2. Pick up proposal to review after 3pm on Oct 29th located outside of Greg's office.  Review sheet due in lab on Oct 31st.
3. Submit a self and peer evaluation of proposal development by 5pm Oct 29th.

Oct 31 Journal Club:
1. E. coli modulation of the actin cytoskeleton (Stomach flu)
By  Owen T., Sadie M., Alix A., Joseph N.
2. Article: Sallee et al. 2008
3. Self and Peer evaluation of contributions to journal club presentation (Required for presenters)

Due Oct 31:
1. Sallee et al. JC Homework

Cell crawling

Week 9 lab (Oct 31)

Prelab Reading/Assignment:
1. Proposal due in class on Oct 29th. Pick up proposal to review after 3pm on Oct 29th outside of Greg's office.  2. Proposal critique due in lab today.
2. Instructions for reviewing the proposal and information on the review session.
3. Submit a self and peer evaluation of proposal development by 5pm Oct 29th.

In lab:
-Proposal review and feedback session WE ARE MEETING IN ALBANY207  TODAY

Outside of lab:  

Outline/Overview/Slides Week 10 (Nov 5-7)

Reading/Assignment: pp. 1027-1042

-Optional Study question 2

-How do organisms control their cell number? Nuclear division cycle:
-Biochemical analysis
-Genetic analysis

Week 10 lab (Nov 7)
Prelab Reading/Assignment:
1. Review Greg's and peer feedback on your proposal

In lab: Independent Investigations I
1. Individual group meetings with Greg to discuss your independent research projects.

Outside of lab: Independent investigations begin

Outline/Overview/Slides Week 11 (Nov 12-14)

Reading/Assignment: pp. 1046-1064; 873-891; 892-897
1. Optional Study Question 3

Due Nov 12th:
1. Faces of Cell Homework due Nov 12th.  Bring a printed copy of your slide to class with you today.

Nov 14th Journal Club: Shigella and cell cycle arrest (Dysentery)
By Marnie K., Abby H., Caeleigh R., Askar T.
Article: Iwai et al. 2007

Due Nov 14th:
1. Iwai et al. JC Homework
2. Self and Peer evaluation of contributions to journal club presentation (Required for JC presenters)

Topics: Nuclear division cycle:  Mitosis; Faces of cell biology
-How do cells communicate with one another?
-Cell signaling: logic and G-protein coupled signaling

Week 11 lab (Nov 14)
Prelab Reading/Assignment:

In lab: Independent Investigations II

Outside of lab: Independent investigations.

Outline/Overview/Slides Week 12 (Nov 19-21)

Reading/Assignment: pp 911-918
-Optional Study Question 4

Nov 21 Journal Club: N. meningitidis and G protein coupled receptor signaling (Meningitis)
By  Imtiyaz W., Ryan S., Justin C., Eva S.
Article: Coureuil et al. 2010

Due Nov 21st:
1. Coureuil et al. JC Homework
2. Self and Peer evaluation of contributions to journal club presentation (Required for presenters)

Topics: Cell signaling-Receptor tyrosine kinase signaling

Wek 12 lab (Nov 21)
Prelab Reading/Assignment:

In lab: Independent Investigations III

Outside of lab: Independent investigations.

Weeks 13-15

Outline/Overview/Slides Week 13 (Nov 26)

Reading/Assignment: pp 1163-1198
-Optional Study Question 5

Topics: What mechanisms cause cancer? Mutations in pathways promoting cell proliferation

Week 13 lab (Nov 28)

No lab Thanksgiving Break.

Outline/Overview/Slides Week 14 (Dec 3-5)

Reading/Assignment: pp. 1163-1198
1. Chemotherapy targeting RasD
2. The next big questions in cancer research

Dec 3 Journal Club: Bacillus anthracis and MAPK signaling (Anthrax)
By Juliet H., Jules T., Carli D., Rayne A.
Article: Duesbery et al. 1998

Due Dec 3rd:
1. Duesbery et al. JC Homework
2. Self and Peer evaluation of contributions to journal club presentation (Required for presenters)

Dec 5th  Journal Club: Rb function in lung cancer
By Aniqah G., Sophie R., Jolie N., Maren A.
Article: Walter et al. 2019

Due Dec 5th:
1. Walter et al. JC Homework
2. Self and Peer evaluation of contributions to journal club presentation (Required for presenters)

Topics: Mutations in pathways that promote cell proliferation and pathways that promote growth arrest

Week 14 lab (Dec 5)
Prelab Reading/Assignment:
Directions for Project Presentations

In lab: 
Independent Investigations IV
1. Course evaluations at the start of lab.
2. Lab evaluation here
3. Copy and fill this out in your digital lab notebook: Presentation Worksheet

Due on Dec 17th:
1. MicroPublication II is due by 6pm on Dec 17th.
2. Project presentations are 6pm on Dec 17th..

Week 15: (Dec 10) 

Tuesday Dec 10th in class
Exam 2
The exam will include questions about Figs 2a-c and 4a-b and 4d-f from Viros et al. 2014. Note that TP53 is p53 and BRAF is Raf in the MAPK cascade.

Due on Dec 17th:
1. MicroPublication 2 is due by 6PM on Dec 17th.
2. Self and peer evaluation of group work (required)
3. MicroPublication directions here.

Final Exam Period Tuesday Dec 17th 6-9PM Presentation of Independent Investigations.
1. Directions for Project Presentations
2. Self and peer evaluation of presentation contributions (required)