Front Crawl style
Front Crawl style
1. Kick from the hip
Many swimmers bend their knees too much whilst kicking - we call this kicking from the knee. This creates large amounts of drag and is probably the number one reason for a swimmer's legs to sink low in the water. Instead of kicking from the knee you should kick from the hip with a relatively straight leg.
2. Plantar flexed feet (Pointing Your Toes)
Plantar flexion is technical jargon for pointing your toes. When you swim you should always have your toes pointed, this presents a much lower profile to the water. Not pointing your toes will push water forwards when you kick, slowing you dramatically.
how you should breathe
At Swim Smooth we know the secret of freestyle breathing. The secret is good exhalation.
You can exhale through your mouth or through your nose or through both, it doesn't matter. But when your face is in the water you should be exhaling all the time in one constant stream of bubbles.When you are swimming you should always be exhaling except when you turn your head to inhale.
Click on this link if you want to know how to improve your front crawl technique: