How much money should I bring?

- Students do not need any money to pay for meals. If they wish to buy more or extra food, they only need about $15-$20. Money for souvenirs is up to the family and student. It is Washington DC, so T-shirts average about $30 and Hoodies average about $50-$60. Student is responsible for any and all money they take with them. Chaperones will not hold money for students!

Can we get souvenirs?

- YES! We stop at a souvenir store that has all things Washington DC. This store is competitively priced and is a one-stop shop for the students. We DO NOT visit the street vendors due to time and safety as well as to protect our students. We also DO NOT have time to visit gift shops of the different attractions.

How many people per room?

- Four students per room.

Will I be on the bus with my friends?

- Students will be on the bus with their roommates. After that, the teachers and principals assign the busses/chaperones.

Can we go to the White House?

- We do stop at the White House, but only for a picture stop. We do not tour the White House as the background check requirements make it prohibitive for a large group like ours to accomplish.

How long does it take to get there?

- We leave at 6:30am on Wednesday morning. We are driving straight to Washington DC this year and should arrive sometime around 3:00pm-4:00 pm. Please remember that even a "quick" bathroom stop takes 20+ minutes when traveling with a group of 100-120 people.

Can I bring my game system (Playstation, Xbox etc.)?

- No. This trip is intended to be a great experience to see as many new things as possible. Thus, we tour every night until at least 10:30am-11:00am. Wake-up call is around 6:30am with breakfast at 7:00am-8:00am so we can leave around 8:15am. Students are only in their room for about 7 hours each night. This time should be spent sleeping! You will be tired. NO GAME SYSTEMS!

Can we go swimming in the pool?

- No. The pool is WAY too small for 100-120 of us, thus it is a major safety concern. Additionally, we do not get back to the hotel until between 11:00pm and midnight both nights. This leaves no time for swimming in addition to the pool being closed.

Can I go hangout in my friends room before bed?

- No. For safety concerns, students are to go to their assigned hotel room upon arrival at the hotel and are to stay in that hotel room all night. The tour company provides overnight security - hallway monitors - that are up all night in case an emergency arises and to make sure everyone is safe and secure. We do not allow students to visit other hotel rooms or wander the hallways. If students need something they should speak to the hallway security.