Welcome to Mrs. Hanson's classroom site.  As first grade workers, children learn to get along, as well as work together in a team.  First grade is the first year of "real school" and children transition from a play-based education in Kindergarten to a more structured and formal classroom setting in first grade.  Children sit at tables to work along side peers and share materials, break into small groups during WIN Literacy groups and Guided Reading, do large group activities on the classroom carpet and in their seats, and learn to independently work on their own without bothering their peers. 

First graders start the year learning about what it means to be a "First Grade Worker" and do their job at school in order to be a Responsible Citizen.  They learn that "listening is learning" and that "criss-cross applesauce hands in your lap" means its time to listen.  They go from reading 20 words to reading hundreds of words by the end of the year!  They go from practicing ABCs to writing stories of their own!  They go from counting by one to being able to count by 10s, add and subtract with automaticity, and use a variety of math strategies!  You'll be amazed at how much your child will grow in 1st grade.

Whole Body Listening

Teaching student Whole Body Listening is a very good way to help students learn self-control, focus on the person speaking, and stay engaged in the lesson being taught.  Listening isn't only done with the ears.  The whole body needs to be able to work together so that students can "listen" for "learning time".

Classroom Expectations & Learning Targets

Must Do Work System

During Morning Work and Guided Reading, I display a Must Do Work system that students follow to complete tasks and activities assigned.  Video lessons are pushed out (many of these lessons were recorded during remote learning/COVID) and accessed through Google Classroom.  Upon completion of work, students can look at the slide to know where to put it when finished and what to do next.  This helps these young learned know the tasks they need to get done during the time frame and helps them build their time management and work habits skills.