Preventive Maintenance Program

The purpose of the Preventative Maintenance Program is to provide an ongoing IT service solution to our clients to help prevent larger and more costly expenses.

Anti-Virus Updates

- Keeps you more current on new harmful viruses

- Maximizes the investment in your anti-virus software

- Aids in protection against computer virus negatives

Hardware Patches

- Research, Download and Install Updates from Manufacturer's for hardware (Printers, Monitors, NIC's etc.) used by the organization's network.

- Keeps your hardware investment operating at peak effectiveness.

Software Patches

- Download and Install updates from Manufacturer's for applications vital to the organization's daily operations

- Keeps your software investment operating efficiently

Verify the backup is performing effectively

- Allows for critical files to be replaced in the event of data loss

- Maximizes the investment on your backup system

- Provides effective backup mechanism

Off-Site Backup Storage

- Provides redundant, diversified backup of valuable user files

- Avoids total loss of data due to disaster

- Prevents loss of data Avoids employee error data due to disaster

Complete Workstation Optimization

- Check for most current OS. Web Browser and Hardware/Software Patches

- Check for Virus, Spy-ware, & Ad-ware threats

- Registry Scan for Errors and Threats

- Locate and Remove "CHK" Files from Root Directory

- Locate and Remove Unnecessary ".TMP" Files which negatively impact system performance.

- Perform scandisk on physical hard drive

- Perform Disk Defragmentation on hard drive using Fat & Fat32 file systems

- Allows PC's to operate efficiently.