
At the SMED, Medical School: (2016- present) I am teaching one course namely:

1. Medical Physics ( Theory & Practical) (MPH9004)

I was there (2006-2018) At the FSCH, Dept. of Physics,

1. Nuclear Physics (Theory) (NPH6222)

2. Nuclear Physics (Practical) (PNP6228)

3. Nuclear Instruments and measurements (MSC course in physics dept.)


* Several courses in last 13 years: such as Nuclear Physics(theory & Lab. 4th-year physics for 11 years) elementary particle physics, Application of radiation ( for fourth-year physics), Nuclear chemistry (3rd chemistry), Quantum Chemistry, programming language (FORTRAN ) (for 2nd year Mathematics), Numerical analysis (practical in MatLab and FORTRAN for 3rd-year physics)

Course code Medical Physics (MPH9004)

Stage: First year

Classroom: SMED Building Hall 4

Physics Lab: Three groups 1A, 1B, 1C at the time being

No. of Students: about 86

My philosophy in Teaching

Education is the key of the world of opportunities. As an educator, I see my role as a guide, leading my students in a quest to obtain the key (education) and encouraging them to utilize it to unlock the door to a bright future. To that end, I strive not only to share my knowledge but also to ignite in my students a passion for learning that will last a lifetime. Ultimately, my goal is for each one of my students to become a productive citizen of our world and to reach his or her full potential in life.

Each student is a unique individual whose learning style and attitudes may reflect his or her own interests, strengths and challenges, background, beliefs, experiences and personality. Taking the time to talk with my students, to listen to them, and to observe them in the classroom prove invaluable tools for me in evaluating their individual learning styles and attitudes. In turn, the knowledge I gain aids me in reaching them on an individual level.

Keeping the various needs of my students in mind, I employ a variety of approaches for presenting the material I teach. For example, I may introduce a concept through a short lecture with notes on the board, include pair work or a group activity, and then follow up with a short slides show to review the material. I am a believer in the value of homework, as it reinforces the day's lesson and allows the student the opportunity to evaluate his or her ability of the material and to determine which concepts need more attention.

In assessing progress I provide students outlets to demonstrate their capability of the subject through presentations, projects and writing assignments in addition to homework, quizzes and tests. I am flexible to employ various methods of assessment which will allow my students to demonstrate their learning accomplishments, as I truly desire for every student to enjoy success in my classroom.

While I guide my students on their learning path, my students will have the best opportunity for success in life when our entire learning community works as a team to provide them the best possible education and prepare all students to become productive citizens and to reach their full potential, the door to opportunity will open wide for every student.