Academic Profile

Professor of Nuclear Physics

(+964) - 7502098291

School of Medicine, KoyaUniversity, Koya KOY45 - KurdistanRegion - F. R. Iraq

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Outline Biography

Ahmad is a Professor of Nuclear Physics in the Department of Physics, where he joined the work at Koya University in 2006.

He gained a B.Sc. degree in Physics from Baghdad University in 1979, and a PhD degree in Nuclear Physics from Sussex University - GB, in 1989.

He started his academic carrier in 1979 when he joined the work at the Iraqi Atomic Energy Commission IAEC, where he worked as an assistant researcher in the field of nuclear structure and nuclear reactions. He had training in the field of nuclear electronics for two months( training course was arranged by the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA) in Izmir Univ. Turkey (1984). In June 1985 he joined Sussex University in a scholarship forward the PhD degree and because of his experience, published papers and outstanding achievement in graduate courses, he was transferred directly for the PhD degree. He has the opportunity to carry experimental work for his PhD research in ILL Institute Grenoble - France from 1986-1987.

- Since 1993 he started his contribution in supervising and teaching postgraduate students, as an individual or in share, the results are ten PhD and eight MSc holders all around Iraqi universities ( Koya, Zakho, Sulimania, Salahdean, Baghdad, Al-Mustansiryah, Babil......etc). Some of them are professors and most of the PhDs are now associate Professors and two of them are heads of their departments. ( 4 PhD and 2 MSc are here in the Kurdistan region).

- Head of Physics department of Koya 2007- 2011

- An ARO Reviewer ( see

- He is a co-supervisor of split-site PhD student (from physics dept. Koya university) with a partner ( Prof. Dr Husin Wagiran from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia) starting from 26/11/2013

Research Interests

Ahmad had the opportunity to be close to very active scientists in nuclear physics, both theory and experimental, in Iraq and abroad, which allowed him to develop a skill and knowledge in these two fields of research, and his work in the sector of industry in Iraq for period 1991 - 2006 extend his experience and knowledge in several branches in physics and engineering work.

1) Nuclear theory ( nuclear models ): I have practice and used most of the recent nuclear models such as the Interacting Boson Model: IBM-1, IBM-2, IBM-3 and IBMsdg for even-even nuclei and Odda (IBFM-1) for odd nuclei. The GCM geometrical collective model and DDM' the dynamic deformation model. Furthermore, I have got these codes and software which represent a rich library in this field. By my engagements in MSc and PhD supervisions, these programs and software are now available in many Iraqi universities.

Still, young researchers are asking for providing them with these software programmes or to help them in understanding how to use them.

2- In experimental nuclear physics: I am interested in gamma spectroscopy, spectra analysis environmental radiation detection, nuclear electronic applications and the associated analyzing software.

3- These Concerns and experiences were implemented thoroughly starting from 2007 to develop the nuclear physics laboratory by ordering the most useful and advanced measurement systems for undergraduate and for research studies. Now, proudly of course with understanding and support of the management of Koya University, our group (a nuclear physics laboratory) as well as in material physics is in the leading and advanced edge in comparison with the all Iraqi universities the Prestigious and the new universities. These capacities can be used for environmental and health protection as well as for quality control and monitoring purposes. These facilities can be used for R&D and in industrial applications.

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Dr Saddon T. Ahmad