Curriculum Vitae

Name: Saddon T. Ahmad

Degree: PhD of Nuclear Physics

Title: Professor

Department: Physics


Mobile: (+964)- 7503124530

h-index: x

Publications: x Books + 14 Journal Articles + 3 Conference papers

Membership: 1) Head of the scientific committee of SMED (Now), 2)

Experience: 1) Supervision for 10 Ph.D. and 8 MSc students since 1993.

2) Teaching since 1992 ( as a visitor) and 2006 as a permanent teacher

3) Experience in managing and scientific R&D involvements in the industrial sector for more than 15 years. As examples, I developed my knowledge and skill in the cement industry ( Electrostatic Precipitators & air pollution control systems). As well in piezoceramic transducers for sonar and industrial applications

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