
Welcome to my Academic Profile page. My name is:

Saddon Taha Ahmad. أ. د سعدون طه أحمد

I am Professor with a PhD degree in Nuclear Physics,

teaching in the School of Medicine at Koya University in Kurdistan Region, F.R. Iraq

Publications: x Books + 14 Journal Articles + 3 Conf. papers

h-index: 7

i10-index: 4

e-mail: saddon.taha@koyauniversity.org

Mobile: (+964) -7503124530

My Portfolio & CAD (PF&CAD) (Hyperlink)


My Google Scholar




My research interests focus on;

1. Nuclear Structure & nuclear Models.

2. Nuclear Spectroscopy & Nuclear Radiations.

3. Electromagnetic fields and their application for environmental protection.

4. Programming Languages (FORTRAN, MATLAB, MATHEMATICA) for the purpose of writing my own software or developing the exist programs in the above fields

5. Environmental measurements : background and NORM nuclear radiation , using monitoring systems and alpha , beta and gamma spectrometers, Dosimeter applications

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I teach several topics at my faculty, i.e.

1. Medical Physics in SMED (theory & Practical)

previously I was teaching in FSCH

1. Nuclear Physics(theory).: in DPHY

2. Nuclear Laboratory : in DPHY

3. Nuclear instrumentation(theory): in DPHY

4. Quantum Chemistry.(theory): in DCHM.