Optional Homework

Dear Second Grade Families,

In place of the required homework assignments, I will be sending home "optional homework" for your child to complete if you so choose. This "optional homework" is not required, and there is no penalty if it is not done. Some families may want extra practice for their child. Also, please keep in mind that some students do need extra practice opportunities to master important concepts.

Despite the homework being optional, please have your child read for 20 minutes each evening.

On Monday (or the first school day of the week), I will place the optional homework in your child's orange folder. Students who return the homework grid/work (on Friday) will get orange tickets, as well as some sparkles (for their sparkle container).

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience.

Reading and being read to will increase your child's reading fluency, as well as his/her comprehension.