Frequently Asked Questions

Lunch and Breakfast

* The price of lunch this school year is $2.55.

* Breakfast is free for everyone.

Snack Time

* We have "snack time" from 3:15-3:30.

* Students need to bring a snack from home.


* Please remember to send in a note whenever your child returns from an absence. A form is available on the division website. It is not mandatory to use that form, but it is helpful. Parent notes are accepted for the first ten excused absences.

* Please note that Perfect Attendance is defined as being present in school for the ENTIRE school day with no absences, either excused or unexcused, and no tardies or early dismissals.


* If a student requires medication during school hours, school personnel must have a physician's order and written permission from the student's parent or guardian. Any medicine must be in its original container and delivered to the school nurse by a responsible adult. Please do not send medicine to school with your child.

* Non-prescription medication may be administered by the school nurse ONLY with written permission from the parent or guardian.


* I will send home a "Volunteer Form" in your child's orange folder.

* I will also need parent chaperones on field trips. This is generally on a first come/first served basis since I often get more volunteers than I have slots. (Unfortunately, siblings/other children are not permitted to come along on field trips.)

Classroom Parties

* For each classroom party. I will send home a sign-up sheet for food/supplies. I also ask for volunteers to help out at each party.

** No food items (other than packed school lunches/snacks) are to be brought to school on the bus.

** Food items must be transported to school by an adult.


* If you would like to send in something for your child's birthday, I encourage you to consider non-food items as an alternative to food items. Kids love special pencils, stickers, bubbles, erasers, small toys, etc.