How Students are chosen for reading support

The reading specialists meet with Literacy coaches and our director, Uri Harel, to carefully craft groups that meet each student's needs.

We use DIBELS scores, Fountas and Pinnell levels, and recommendations from classroom teachers to decide which students would benefit from some outside work in a small reading group.

Groups are typically formed in the fall, and then re-evaluated in the winter. In the spring, the reading teachers keep a list of who to recommend for reading support in the fall and ask classroom teachers to do the same.

These groups are flexible and fluid, students are carefully tracked assessed and teachers design their teaching according to each groups needs.


The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills

Designed to be short (one minute) fluency measures used to regularly monitor the development of early literacy and early reading skills.

Fountas and Pinnell

An un-timed assessment given to determine a students independent and instructional reading level. Used to help teach guided reading in small groups.

Grade Level Equivalent