1st-3rd Grade Lesson Plans
December 7th-December 11th
1st-3rd Grades
1) Students will read and perform rhythms to holiday songs on multi-level percussion instruments using quarter notes, eighth notes, quarter rests, and sixteenth/eighth note combinations.
Virtual Learners:
1st-3rd Grade
Kangaroo Bucket Drumming-Feliz Navidad https://youtu.be/t7QWQp4--1o
Kangaroo Bucket Drumming -Winter Wonderlandhttps://youtu.be/bqAcwwY_Zo4
Carol of the Bells Drumming- https://youtu.be/B_Q46uRTMgU
March from the Nutcracker: https://musicplayonline.com/modules/nutcracker-performance-ideas/
November 30th- December 4th
1) Students will read and perform rhythms to holiday songs on multi-level percussion instruments using quarter notes, eighth notes, quarter rests, and sixteenth/eighth note combinations. This week, students will learn to perform dotted rhythms using a combination of quarter/eighth notes.
2) Students will perform the rhythms to simple holiday songs in the form of a round in 2-4 parts.
Virtual Learners: Read and perform "Jolly Old St. Nicholas" and "Up on the Housetop"
Christmas Bucket Drumming Link
2) Students will read and perform Sol, Mi, and La on a 5-Line Staff using quarter and eighth note rhythmic combinations
Virtual Day November 23rd
1) Play and share "Dance Fun" for a family member using quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests.
2) Learn to play the rhythm patterns for Dynamite. You may play the entire song IF your network has not blocked the last Safe YouTube video (final performance.) If you can't access the last video, learn the other patterns.
November 16th- November 20th
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade
1) Students will read and perform rhythms using quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests.
Virtual Learners:
Link to: Bucket Drumming "We Will Rock You"
Link to: "Dance Fun" Song
2) Students will read and perform Sol, Mi, and La on a 5-Line Staff using quarter and eighth note rhythmic combinations
Virtual Learners:
Link to Poison Melody with Mi- Re- Do and Sol-La-Mi
3) Students will learn about the instruments and the musicians in our local orchestra, The Delta Symphony Orchestra.
Virtual Learners:
*Link: Percussion: Delta Symphony Orchestra
4) Students will create their own rhythmic and melodic compositions using their choice of music applications.
Virtual Learners:
Chrome Music Lab Songmaker Link
November 9th- November 13th
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade
1) Students will read and perform rhythms using quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests.
Virtual Learners:
Link to : Bucket Drumming "Grand Old Flag"
Link to: Bucket Drumming "We Will Rock You"
2) Students will read and perform Sol, Mi, and La on a 5-Line Staff using quarter and eighth note rhythmic combinations
Virtual Learners:
Link to Poison Melody with Mi, Re, Do
3) Students will learn about the instruments and the musicians in our local orchestra, The Delta Symphony Orchestra.
Virtual Learners:
*Link: The Conductor of The Delta Symphony Orchestra
*Link: The Trombone (Delta Symphony Orchestra)
4) Students will create their own rhythmic and melodic compositions using their choice of music applications.
Virtual Learners:
Chrome Music Lab Songmaker Link
November 2nd- November 6th
1st -2nd Grade
1) Students will read and perform rhythms using quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests.
Virtual Learners:
Link to Poison Rhythm with Quarter Rests
2) Students will read and perform Sol, Mi, and La on a 5-Line Staff using quarter and eighth note rhythmic combinations
Virtual Learners:
Link to Poison Melody with Sol, Mi, and La
3) Students will properly identify and create quarter rest using their own creative color choices and combinations.
Virtual Learners:
*Refer to the PDF at the top of this page for the quarter rest coloring sheet.
4) Students will listen to the story of Beethoven Lives Upstairs while coloring proper spelling of Beethoven's last name and coloring the primary instrument he used as a tool (the piano) when composing for various ensembles (orchestra, piano, string quartet, etc.)
Virtual Learners:
*Link to "Beethoven Lives Upstairs" Beethoven Lives Upstairs, YouTube
*Refer to the top of this page for the PDF of the Beethoven coloring sheet.
3rd Grade
1) Students will review the line and space notes of the Treble Clef, and practice identifying MIddle C and D. Students will then use this knowledge to complete a notespeller story about the life of Johann Sebastian Bach.
Virtual Learners:
Music History Lesson Link for Bach
Music Theory Lesson Link (only cover the treble clef)
2) Students will read about the life of Ludwig van Beethoven and be able to answer questions about his compositions and the instruments he used in his compositions.
Virtual Learners:
Link for Music History Lesson, Beethoven
Link for Beethoven Activity Sheet
3) Students will create their own rhythmic and melodic compositions using their choice of music applications.
Virtual Learners:
Chrome Music Lab Songmaker Link
October 26th- October 30th
1st -2nd Grade (Poison Rhythm Warm-Up Using Rests)
1) Students will read and perform rhythms using quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests.
2) Students will properly identify musical structure and dynamic levels while performing body percussion to Halloween orchestra pieces and Halloween songs.
3) Students will be able to properly identify the Italian names for dynamic markings (Piano, Pianissimo, mezzo-Piano, mezzo-Forte, Forte, Fortissimo.)
3rd Grade
1) Students will read and perform rhythms using quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests.
2) Students will properly identify musical structure and dynamic levels while performing body percussion to Halloween orchestra pieces and Halloween songs.
3) Students will be able to properly identify the Italian names for dynamic markings (Piano, Pianissimo, mezzo-Piano, mezzo-Forte, Forte, Fortissimo.)
4) Students will learn to identify the four space notes of the Treble Clef. (FACE)
VIRTUAL LEARNERS: may find these resources at
https://musicplayonline.com/rhythm-practice-poison-rhythm/ Practice rhythms with the Poison Rhythm Game.
https://musicplayonline.com/modules/halloween-happenings/ (Danse Macabre cup game and The Little Old Lady Who Wasn't Afraid of Anything.)
https://musicplayonline.com/modules/in-the-hall-of-the-mountain-king/ (see the folder routine, and the body percussion video)
https://padlet.com/ddegenhardt1/3lkhapjhjqkug1jp (for your choice of Halloween songs with body percussion and rhythm reading.)
October 19th- October 23rd
1st -2nd Grade
1) Students will read and perform rhythms in real time to Hall of the Mountain King by Edvard Grieg. (eighth notes, quarter notes, and quarter rests.)
2) Students will identify and properly spell the names of percussion and string orchestral instruments.
3rd Grade
1) Introduction to Treble Clef Line Notes. Students will identify the five line notes in the Treble Clef, and also Middle C.
2) Students will play the C Major scale on a virtual piano, processing the musical alphabet from C-C both up (forward to the right) and down (backward to the left.)
October 12th- October 16th
1st -2nd Grade (Body Percussion- Butterfly Clap / Stomp warm-up
1) Second half of Carnival of the Animals (instrument identification, dynamic markings, high/low, and tempo.)
3rd Grade (Body Percussion- Butterfly/Stomp) warm-up
1) Introduction to Treble Clef Line and Space notes. Students will be able to identify the letter names of lines and spaces in the Treble Clef.
2) Introduction to the names of keys on the piano keyboard. Using an online resource, students will be able to play C,D, and E.
3) Using the piano keyboard, students will compose their own song using C, D, and E.
October 5th- October 9th
1st -3rd Grade (Body Percussion Ode to Joy) warm-up
1) Introduction to Carnival of the Animals and continued review of instruments and instrument families within orchestral works.
2) Rhythm practice and review of quarter and eighth values (notes and rests.)
*!st Grade ONLY Learn the first half of the raps in the script for classroom's fall production.
3rd Grade ONLY- Create electronic compositions using Tone Craft and Groove Pizza.
September 28th- October 2nd
1st and 2nd Grade (Body Percussion Ode to Joy) warm-up
1) Continue introduction to the instrument families (brass, woodwinds, percussion, and strings) with new orchestral music and book, "Peter and the Wolf."
2) Introduce non-orchestral string family instruments (guitar, ukulele, and mandoline.)
*!st Grade ONLY Learn the first half of the raps in the script for classroom's fall production.
3rd Grade ONLY- Review quarter, eighth, and sixteenth rhythms. Learn to draw these notes and also identify repeated notes on the treble clef staff. Create rhythm compositions using these note values with the MusicPlay interactive rhythm composition application/activity.
September 21st- September 25th
1st and 2nd Grade (Body Percussion Warm-UP)
1) Continue introduction to the instrument families (brass, woodwinds, percussion, and strings) with new orchestral music and book, "Peter and the Wolf."
3) Practice and review rhythm fundamentals for quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests. *(Poison Rhythm game is also used as quick assessment.)
4) Introduce the difference between line and space notes. (Intervalic coloring patterns and interactive melodic staff.)
5) *!st Grade ONLY Learn the first half of the raps in the script for classroom's fall production.
6) 3rd Grade ONLY- Review quarter, eighth, and sixteenth rhythms. Create rhythm compositions using these note values with the MusicPlay interactive rhythm composition application/activity.
September 14th- September 18th
1st and 2nd Grade
1) Finish second half of "Freddie the Frog and the Thump in the Night." (Treble Clef Island)
2) Introduction to the instrument families (brass, woodwinds, percussion, and strings)
3) Practice and review rhythm fundamentals for quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests. *(Poison Rhythm game is also used as quick assessment.)
4) Practice tonal memory using Curwen Signs for "Sol" and "Mi" using quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests. *(Poison Melody game is also used as quick assessment.)
5) *!st Grade ONLY Learn the first half of the raps in the script for classroom's fall production.
6) 3rd Grade ONLY- Compose an electronic piece and create an mp3 file to store in iTunes. Create a playlist in iTunes for Chrome Music Lab compositions.
September 7th -September 11th
1st and 2nd Grade
1) Finish reviewing Classroom expectations, social contract, and "Take Five."
2) Review high/low, Treble Clef, and the Staff with the book "Freddie the Frog and the Thump in the Night." (Treble Clef Island)
3) Learn the staff lines by creating whole notes on the staff.
4) Practice and review rhythm fundamentals for quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests. *(Poison Rhythm game is also used as quick assessment.)
5) Practice tonal memory using Curwen Signs for "Sol" and "Mi" using quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests. *(Poison Melody game is also used as quick assessment.)
*!st Grade ONLY
6) Learn the first half of the raps in the script for classroom's fall production.
August 24th- September 4th
3rd Grade
1) Finish reviewing Classroom expectations, social contract, and "Take Five."
2) Learn to create texture by layering loops (adding and subtracting the loops as desired.)
3) Create a piece using looping ostinati on Super Looper.
4) Share your piece with a friend or favorite teacher using copy/paste functions via email.
5) Practice and review rhythm fundamentals for quarter notes, eighth notes, and quarter rests. *(Poison Rhythm game is also used as quick assessment.)
August 24th- September 4th
1) Review Classroom expectations, social contract, and "Take Five."
2) Introduce Google classroom and school music website.
3) Explore and create rhythms using music technology and looping.
4) Share (summer activity "show and tell") and perform body percussion.
5) Play Poison Rhythm game using quarter and eighth notes. (Also used as assessment.)
May 11th - May 15th
1) On the singing classroom website, warm-up with Pencil Beats and Step, Clap, Shuffle"
The Singing Classroom is only available for one more week before our subscription expires. Listed below these lesson plans are YouTube videos of some of the summer songs.
Activities and songs for this summer can be found under the tab "My Songs."
This week: You have many song CHOICES!!!
I'm a Nut
Let's Pound Rice Cakes (in Japanese)
Piccolomini (Italian astrologer and a crater in the moon) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piccolomini_(crater)
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (Pakastini version)
Link to Singing Classroom Website: https://www.thesingingclassroom.com/my-songs#
The Singing Classroom Website Username and Password
username: maryjacksonstudents
password: MJackson1
I'm a Nut (Also known as the Acorn Song)
O Mo Chi Oh Tsu Ki Ma Sho ("Let's Pound Rice Cakes" in Japanese, think about Mochi ice cream!)
Piccolomini (Italian astrologer and a crater in the moon) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piccolomini_(crater)
https://youtu.be/o5DAMAL5I_c Lyrics to Piccolomini
https://youtu.be/qhyfxCnYRI4 Piccolomini
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (Pakistani version)
No YouTube links available, only available on The Singing Classroom.
May 4th - May 8th
1) On the Singing Classroom Website, warm-up with Cup Beats rhythm activity (any two contrasting colors of cups in your kitchen cabinet will work with this activity.) Teach a family member how to do rhythms and play this game!
If you have an instrument at home (like a toy xylophone or keyboard, learn to play the accompaniment to "Git Along Little Dogies." If you do not have an instrument, learn to sing the melody and lyrics to the song.
Both activity and song can be found under the tab "My Songs."
Link to Singing Classroom Website: https://www.thesingingclassroom.com/my-songs#
The Singing Classroom Website Username and Password
username: maryjacksonstudents
password: MJackson1
"Git Along Little Dogies" This is probably the best known cowboy song. The rhythm is taken from the movement of a horse. It dates back to then early trail-drive days, and is adapted from the Irish ballad “The Old Man Rocking the Cradle.” The peak existence of the cowboy came in the decades after the Civil War. The earliest mention of Get Along Little Dogies was in the 1893 journal of Owen Wister, author of the classic Western novel, The Virginian. Since Wyoming was the destination, it is presumed to have been composed after 1870-1871, when Texans first herded cattle northward into Wyoming Territory. Some cowboys sang of Montana as the destination; others mentioned no final destination, and merely described the problems of rounding up and driving cattle. The word “dogie” refers to a motherless calf who had to eat grass before being mature enough to digest it. This caused the calf to develop a big stomach which cowboys referred to as “dough guts,” later shortened to “dogies.”
https://youtu.be/_VBlinUH1c4 1st-3rd Grade
https://youtu.be/Q8o_3gujWh0 Animated story with hero dogs
https://youtu.be/r0A3HnHOmJ0 Original 1937 movie trailor theme song
2) American Music History with famous works by Aaron Copland
Most people know that Aaron Copland was a composer and that his name is synonymous with works such as Appalachian Spring, Fanfare for the Common Man, and the "Hoedown" from Rodeo. What they perhaps do not realize is that Copland's influence on American music extended far beyond the compositional realm. In addition to his creative output as a composer, Copland was also a teacher, lecturer, author, editor, and conductor. Because of his involvement in these different facets of artistic expression, and because he was successful in merging a distinctly American style of composition, Copland is frequently referred to as the "Dean of American Music." (Library of Congress)
Read more about life and works of Aaron Copland here with the Library of Congress biogragphies: https://www.loc.gov/item/ihas.200182578
RODEO (highlights with ballet cowboys, cowgirls, cows, and horses) https://youtu.be/oDCoTJKMoTY (suggested for 1st-3rd Grade)
FANFARE FOR THE COMMON MAN (suggested for 3rd Grade)
Marine Band in National Museum of the Marine Corps https://youtu.be/0ybxA1SPsIc
On Feb. 23, 1945, photographer Joseph Rosenthal captured the image of six United States Marines raising a U.S. flag atop Mount Suribachi during the Battle of Iwo Jima. To commemorate the historic 75th anniversary, a Marine Brass Ensemble performed a concert on Feb. 23, 2020, at the National Museum of the Marine Corps, an architectural tribute with a design evocative of the flag-raisers. This inspiring program memorializes famous campaigns of the Marine Corps, from World War II through the present day. (United States Marine Band)
Rock version by the band Emerson, Lake, & Palmer https://youtu.be/c2zurZig4L8
Turning Aaron Copland’s iconic ‘Fanfare For The Common Man’ into a proggressive-boogie workout probably didn’t seem very sensible back in 1977, but Emerson, Lake, & Palmer (ELP) did it. This performance, from the Olympic Stadium in Montreal, has gone down in history as a classic proggressive moment, departing from Copland’s source material for an extend keyboard solo before bringing it back around to that triumphant fanfare. (classicFM.com)
April 27th - May 1st
1st Grade - 3rd Grade
1) Learn to sing and clap "Bobo Ski Watten Tatten" with a family member or by yourself!
Link to Singing Classroom Website:
The Singing Classroom Website Username and Password
username: maryjacksonstudents
password: MJackson1
2) Enjoy these videos of different arrangements of Bobo Ski Watten Tatten.
3) Learn to play Bobo Ski Watten Tatten on a toy xylophone or another instrument:
1st Grade - 3rd Grade
1) Warm-Up Song! Use your singing voice and learn to perform the body percussion to the song, "Bim Bum."
2) Learn about the ukulele and the mbira in the South African story, Abiyoyo. https://youtu.be/3dLXQUYwgsQ
3) Learn to chant and play the Spanish poem, "Bate, Bate Chocolate" Learn chant and perform the song animation alone and with a family member from your household!
Link to Singing Classroom Website:
The Singing Classroom Website Username and Password
username: maryjacksonstudents
password: MJackson1
April 13th - 17th
1st Grade - 3rd Grade
Warm-UP with fun Body Percussion with Mr. Ollie!
https://youtu.be/sW2DY1OpgrI AND https://youtu.be/QOh1P1ZcTaU
Learn about the history of our national anthem and memorize the first verse!
1st and 2nd Grades- Review slides #1-16 on this Google Slides presentation.
3rd Grade- Review ALL of the presentation.
1) Memorize the words and melody to the first verse.
2) Define these "complicated words":
3)Identify the RHYMING words. They are color-coded to match on slide #3.
4) Who wrote the lyrics to "The Star-Spangled Banner?" What year?
April 6th - 10th
1st Grade - 3rd Grade
Learn to sing the first verses (or more if you like) of "America" and "America the Beautiful." Listen to each video and compare the different styles of singing.
1) How many people sing in each video?
2) How does each of their voices sound differently?
3) How would you describe their style?
Parents: did you KNOW . . . "America (My Country Tis' of Thee)" and "America the Beautiful" almost became our national anthem in 1931? There was a close race between these two songs and "The Star-Spangled Banner." In the end, "The Star-Spangled Banner" won! Here is an article to enjoy if you'd like some extra reading.
https://study.com/academy/lesson/my-country-tis-of-thee-song-meaning-history.html (Third-grade "friendly")
https://www.capradio.org/music/classical/2014/07/04/americas-five-national-anthems-1/ (Only for parents)
March 30th-April 3rd
1st Grade
Follow this body percussion/listening map for Radetzky March by Johann Strauss. The listening map teaches quarter and eighth note rhythms, 3/4 time conducting pattern, structural form of a march and the identification of marching cymbals.
Enjoy this orchestral performance the Andre Rieu Johann Strauss Orchestra!
2nd Grade
Follow this body percussion/listening map for Radetzky March by Johann Strauss. The listening map teaches quarter and eighth note rhythms, 3/4 time conducting pattern, structural form of a march and the identification of marching cymbals.
Enjoy this orchestral performance the Andre Rieu Johann Strauss Orchestra!
Introduction to Johann Strauss: Kids Talk About Johann Strauss https://youtu.be/UzygxqGl1rk
3rd Grade
Follow this body percussion/listening map for Radetzky March by Johann Strauss. The listening map teaches quarter and eighth note rhythms, 3/4 time conducting pattern, structural form of a march and the identification of marching cymbals.
Enjoy this orchestral performance the Andre Rieu Johann Strauss Orchestra!
Watch this CBS Sunday morning video about Andre Rieu and his Johann Strauss Orchestra.
https://youtu.be/d5yvYBuIUtk Watch ONLY 4:30, and SKIP the ads at the beginning.
Here is a second video link for more about Andre Rieu. https://youtu.be/9eansItE3JQ
Introduction to Johann Strauss: Kids Talk About Johann Strauss https://youtu.be/UzygxqGl1rk and https://youtu.be/henuAd7bbLU
The Johann Strauss Orchestra performs songs from MARY POPPINS!
"Supercalifragilistic" https://youtu.be/IWH3Hmsr5fM
"Feed the Birds" https://youtu.be/jENfyP5Eqjw
Fun Fact Quiz about Andre Rieu and the Johann Strauss Orchestra
1) What kind of violin does Andre Rieu play, and how much is it worth?
2) What did Andre Rieu's father do for a living? What was he?
3) According to Billboard Magazine in 2011, the Johann Strauss Orchestra was more popular than which two major artists?
4) Andre Rieu and many of the musicians are from Holland. What language is spoken there? What language is primarily used in rehearsals?
5) At what age did Andre Rieu begin violin lessons?
6) What favorite place did Andre build on the grounds of his home?
7) What African country has Andre been helping?
8) Andre Rieu's hometown is in what country?
9) What kind of building is Andre's home?
10) Who designs the women's dresses for the Johan Strauss Orchestra shows?
1) Stradivarious (worth 3 million dollars)
2) Andre's father was an orchestral conductor>
3) Justin Bieber and Glee
4) Dutch, and all the rehearsals are conducted in Dutch.
5) Age 5
6) A butterfly house
7) Burkina Faso
8) Holland
9) A castle
10) Andre designs the dresses.
March 16th-19th
1st Grade, 2nd, and 3rd Grade Watch Funga Alafia video and learn to sing the chorus and dance the choreography to Funga Alafia. Use drum rhythms learned in class and practice until you can sing the song while playing. (Practice on a table or on the floor.) A video clip with the words is also included:
March 9th-13th
1st Grade- Guitar Basics (Mulberry Boogie and Shaky.) Address phonetics, spelling, and the first letter of words in relation to the letter of each open strings. Incorporate and translate syllables of words and sentences into picking rhythms with call and response approach. Rehearsals for the 1st-grade showcase (first week in March.) Incorporate drumming and the West African welcome song, Funga Alafia.
2nd and 3rd Grades- Read page and measure numbers, navigate through remaining choir octavos, and demonstrate head-voice singing to expand vocal range. Warm up with Supercalifragilistic movements (tutting) and exploring the symphony orchestra (Ode to Joy and Beethoven.)
March 2nd-6th
1st Grade- Guitar Basics (Mulberry Boogie and Shaky.) Address phonetics, spelling, and the first letter of words in relation to the letter of each open strings. Incorporate and translate syllables of words and sentences into picking rhythms with call and response approach. Rehearsals for the 1st-grade showcase (first week in March.)
2nd and 3rd Grades- Learn how to read measure numbers, navigate through choir octavos, and demonstrate head-voice singing to expand vocal range. Warm up with Supercalifragilistic movements (tutting.)
February 24th-28th
1st Grade- Guitar Basics (Mulberry Boogie and Shaky.) Address phonetics, spelling, and the first letter of words in relation to the letter of each open strings. Incorporate and translate syllables of words and sentences into picking rhythms with call and response approach. Rehearsals for the 1st-grade showcase (first week in March.)
2nd and 3rd Grades- Guitar Basics, review reading open strings, review"Magical C" 1st fret/B string and syncopated rhythms. Review low and high E and A. Address phonetics, spelling, and the first letter of words in relation to the letter of each open strings. Incorporate and translate syllables of words and sentences into picking rhythms with call and response approach.
February 18th-21st
1st Grade- Guitar Basics (Mulberry Boogie) and West African traditional songs. Address phonetics, spelling, and the first letter of words in relation to the letter of each open strings. Incorporate and translate syllables of words and sentences into picking rhythms with call and response approach. Rehearsals for the 1st-grade showcase (first week in March.)
2nd and 3rd Grades- Guitar Basics, review reading open strings, review"Magical A" 2nd fret/G string and syncopated rhythms. Introduced low and high E and A. Address phonetics, spelling, and the first letter of words in relation to the letter of each open strings. Incorporate and translate syllables of words and sentences into picking rhythms with call and response approach.
February 3rd-14th
1st Grade- Guitar Basics (Mulberry Boogie) and West African traditional songs. Address phonetics, spelling, and the first letter of words in relation to the letter of each open strings. Incorporate and translate syllables of words and sentences into picking rhythms with call and response approach. Rehearsals for the 1st-grade showcase (first week in March)
2nd and 3rd Grades- Guitar Basics, review reading open strings, introduce "Magical A" 2nd fret/G string and syncopated rhythms. Address phonetics, spelling, and the first letter of words in relation to the letter of each open strings. Incorporate and translate syllables of words and sentences into picking rhythms with call and response approach.
January 6th-31st
1st Grade- World Music Drumming Basics (Ensemble 1) and West African traditional songs. Rehearsals for 1st grade showcase (date TBA in February.)
2nd and 3rd Grades- Guitar Basics, reading open strings and rhythms. Address phonetics, spelling, and the first letter of words in relation to the letter of each open strings. Incorporate and translate syllables of words and sentences into picking rhythms with call and response approach.
December 2nd-20th
Play Ensemble one parts (gankogui,shekere, low/medium/high tubano, and West African hand clapping patterns) independently and together with holiday music and spring semester songs.
November 18th-22nd
Overview of quarter notes and eighth notes, E-D-C and CDE, and hand percussion instrumentation with drumming.
October 7th - November 15th
Junie B Jones - review of songs for all the riser students, and specific vocabulary words, rhyming words, and compound words (ex- Beeswax, schoolbell, starfish, etc) Discuss vowel substitution which resulted in the need for Junie B to get glasses (cluck instead of clock.) Introduction to strings family and phonetic/formal spellings for each instrument (bass, violin, and cello.)
September 30th-October 5th
Junie B Jones - review of songs for all the riser students, and specific vocabulary words.
September 16th-27th
1st-3rd Grades
Junie B Jones - review of songs and special vocabulary words in songs (for riser students)
World Music Drumming basics--phonetic spellings, identify syllables in "keep the rhythm going" and digraphs in words (review spellings for shekere, gankogui, djembe, tubano, dumbek) Learn parts to Ensemble I and II. Learn to play the shekere and gankogui.
September 3rd -13th
1st-3rd Grades
Auditions for Junie B Jones
World Music Drumming basics, phonetic spellings, and digraphs (review spellings for djembe, tubano, dumbek; and examine digraphs in lyrics to "People Go Home.")
March 4th- March 15th
Grades 1-3
Literacy through Composition and Drumming. "Margie Ate Some Marmalade
Students will learn to play accompanying xylophone parts while reciting a simple poem.
Students will compose a B section to the poem both with the entire class and in small groups, using literacy skills in a differentiated style.
Students will perform their B section for the classroom on hand-held rhythm instruments. Select members of the class will accompany on the xylophone.
February 25th - March 1st
Grades 1-3
Continue learning parts of the interactive dance for the African-American play-party song, "Zudio."
Continue to accompany dance and song with drumming
Perform and dance South African song, "Maliswe."
Learn and review World Music Drumming Ensemble I (add third drum part for third grade.)
Accompany Maliswe with Ensemble I
February 18th - February 22nd
Grades 1-3
Learn parts of the interactive dance for the African-American play-party song, "Zudio."
Accompany dance and song with drumming
Perform and dance South African song, "Maliswe."
February 11th - February 15th
Grades 1-3
Review and sing the Star-Spangled Banner, key terms and vocabulary in Star-Spangled Banner
(Ramparts, Gleaming, Hailed, Perilous, etc.)
Introduce the African-American play-party song, Zudio.
Learn parts of the interactive dance
Sing song while practicing cross-over bordun for instrumentation (3rd grade)
Sing song while practicing broken bordun for instrumentation (2nd grade)
Sing song while practicing half-note bordun for instrumentation (1st grade)
Review Annie Jr. riser songs
January 28th - February 1st
Grades 1-3
Introduce story of Star-Spangled Banner and history of the US national Anthem
Review and sing the Star-Spangled Banner
Introduced and memorize key terms and vocabulary in Star-Spangled Banner
Ramparts, Gleaming, Hailed, Perilous, etc.
Identify places and events where the national anthem is performed.
Identify the writer of the lyrics, and then identify the origin of the musical melody for our national anthem
Review Annie Jr. riser songs
September 10th - September 14th
Grades 1-3
Introduce and Review proper use of mallets
Review the Quarter Rest, Quarter Note, and Two-Eighth Notes
Introduce and Review High/Low Sounds through Song and Playing the Xylophones
Xylophone Introduction
CDEFG Song- Introduce CDEFG pitches
August 13th - August 17th
Grade 1
Objectives: Learn and practice music classroom procedures, identify and perform high/low through moving, singing and playing instruments
August 21st - August 25th
Grade 1
Objectives: Continue practicing music classroom procedures, sing/show Do-Re-Mi-So-La, show steady beat through movement, learn to play barred instruments with correct technique, and be able to identify the xylophone, metallophone, and glockenspiel.
Resources: Google Presentations, Rhythmically moving CD, xylophones, metallophones, glockenspiels, and mallets
Grade 2
Objectives: Continue practicing music classroom procedures, sing/show Do-Re-Mi-So-La, show steady beat through movement, play barred instruments with correct technique, accompany while singing, read So-La-So-Mi pattern in standard notation, read and perform rhythms.
Resources: Google Presentations, Rhythmically moving CD, xylophones, metallophones, glockenspiels, and mallets
August 28th - September 1st
Grade 1 & 2
Objectives: Continue practicing music classroom procedures, sing/show Do-Re-Mi-So-La, show steady beat through movement, play barred instruments up and down with correct technique, and identify the xylophone, metallophone, and glockenspiel.
Resources: Google Presentations, Rhythmically moving CD, xylophones, metallophones, glockenspiels, and mallets
September 11th - September 15th
Grade 1 & 2
1) Sing and play “Fiddle eye fee” in interactive groups on the barred instruments . . . A, G, F, and C.
2) Review movements to Bim-bom and the Dum, Dum Song
Grade 3
1) Sing the “Star-Spangled Banner” and “My Country Tis’ of Thee.”
2) We will sing “I Bought Me a Cat” and interactively play the rhythms and melodic segments with others.
3) Review movements to Bim-Bom and Dum-Dum song.
4) Aurally identify intervals and sing scale degree numbers and musical alphabet (backward and forward.)
September 18th - September 22nd
Grade 3
1) Review singing the “Star-Spangled Banner” and “My Country Tis’ of Thee.
2) Learn the meaning of the lyrics and sing "This Land is Your Land" (one of our songs for a November 3rd grade homeroom performance)
3) Introduce the song "Let Us Chase the Squirrel."
Grade 2
1) We will sing and review the National Anthem and review the lyrics (perilous, twilight, rampart, gleaming, streaming.)
2) We will sing the “Do-Re-Mi” song from the Sound of Music” using movement and Curwen hand signs.
3) We will play the scale degrees of the “Do-Re-Mi” song on barred instruments in groups.
Grade 1
1) We will sing and review the National Anthem and review the lyrics (perilous, twilight, rampart, gleaming, streaming.)
2) We will sing the “Do-Re-Mi” song from the Sound of Music” using movement and Curwen hand signs.
3) We will play a bordun accompaniment and use movement while singing "All Around the Brickyard."
April 1st- April 28th (2017)
Grade 4-6
Objectives: Learn drum grooves, maracas, guiro, clave parts for ensemble #4 and learn history/ song Water Come-a-Me Eye (Jamaica) Learn history behind The Wiz, and "you can't win," "Ease on Down the Road."
Resources: Google Presentation, World Music Drumming Curriculum, Clips from The Wiz
March 13th - March 31st
Grade 4-6
Objectives: Learn song, drum, and African dance for "Banuwa"
Resources: Google Presentation, Drums, World Music Drumming Curriculum
February 6th- March 2nd
Grade 1-3
Master rhythms, entrances, and pitches and choreography for 14 Jungle Book riser songs (for all 1st-3rd grade students.) Combined grade-level rehearsals in the gym (all five classes on 10 risers.) Music, dance, drama, art, PE teacher, and ASU interns will be supervising and teaching.
Resources: Google Docs, iTunes application, projector, piano, and vocal warm-ups
January 30th-February 3rd
Grade 1-3
Master rhythms, entrances, and pitches and choreography for 14 Jungle Book riser songs (for all 1st-3rd grade students.)
Resources: Google Docs, iTunes application, projector, piano, and vocal warm-ups
January 23rd-January 27th
Grade 1-3
Objectives: Master rhythms, entrances, and pitches and choreography for 14 Jungle Book riser songs (for all 1st-3rd grade students) Music and dance rotation classes will be combined in the music room to learn choreography with lyrics on the projector. Dance warm-ups begin each class.
Resources: Google Docs, iTunes application, projector, piano, riser choreography, dance warm-ups, and vocal warm-ups.
January 9th-20th
Grade 1-3
Objectives: Jungle Book Auditions during rotation classes, and call-back auditions
Resources: Google Docs, iTunes application, projector, piano
January 2nd-January 6th
Grade 1-3
Objectives: Master rhythms, entrances, and pitches for Jungle Book audition song, " I Wanna Be Like You (Bows.)" Review the grading process and categories for auditions, (stage presence, singing diction, speaking clarity/pace, rhythm, pitch, audition preparation, and singing projection.)
Resources: Google Docs, iTunes application, projector, piano
December 5th-December 16th
Grade 1-3
Objectives: Develop a form for the entire piece. Begin class with alphabet drumming activity (see previous week description) Expand into spelling words.
Review last week's drum groove and beat measure break, and layer a new instrumental part.
Resources: Tubanos, World Music Drumming Level I curriculum
November 28th-December 2nd
Grade 1-3
Objectives: Learn new accompanying dance in 4/4 time, combine with "Self-Respect" Rap. Review accompanying drum groove and add a 4 beat measure break. Develop a form for the entire piece. End class with alphabet activity. All students will alphabetize up to letter selected by a student. The last letter (the selected letter) is to be drummed with a low tone while the other letters will be drummed on high tones.
Resources: Tubanos, Drumming Up Character Curriculum
November 15th-18th
Grade 3
Practice Thanksgiving Field Trip Songs
Grade 2-3
Objectives: "Self-Respect" Rap, Dance, and drum groove rhythm
Resources: Google Presentation, Tubanos, Drumming Up Character Curriculum
October 31st-November 11th
Grade 1-3
Objectives: Improvisation for 2 and 4 beat patterns Question/Answer/Echo rhythmic form
Resources: Google Presentation, Tubanos, WMD curriculum.
October 17th-October 28th
Grade 1-3
Objectives: Improvisation for 2 and 4 beat patterns using Call and Response rhythmic form.
Resources: Google Presentation, Tubanos, WMD curriculum.
October 10th-October 14th
Grade 1-3
Objectives: Explore High/Low sounds, High/Low C on the xylophone while using proper mallet technique, correct rhythm, aural skills (for the game part,) and singing "I Can Play High/Low C."
3rd Grade extension- Play the rest of "Take Time in Life" (GGEF.) Advanced students will be able to play the melody while the teacher plays a descant harmony next to them on their instrument.
Resources: Google Presentation, Xylophones , WMD curriculum.
September 26th-October 7th
Grade 1-3
Objectives: Explore Football and Music. Learn the story behind "Shenandoah" and the significance of the Alma Mater. Explore how "Na Na Hey Hey" is used during a football game, and name songs played by the ASU band ( Carmina Burana, specifically)
Practice new buffalo drum pattern with bass drum from Ensemble I. Develop listening skills for complimentary pattern while performing assigned part.
September 19th-September 23rd
Grade 1-3
Objectives: Play 3-note piano song using left hand and finger independence, while processing the correlation between pitches going up/down and musical alphabet going backward/forward. Play with left hand thumb, index, and middle fingers (with curved fingers to accommodate the thumb.)
Practice new patterns in Ensemble 2 on drums and Gankogui (high/low pattern.) Develop listening skills for other patterns while performing assigned part.
Read musical notation for patterns going up and down.
Resources: Google Presentation, WMD playlist, drums, Musicandthebrain.org sample piano lesson,
September 5th-September 16th (2 week unit due to Labor and PD Day)
Grade 1 and 2
Objectives: Begin National Anthem vocabulary and melody. Review and play high/low/ middle parts of WMD Ensemble 1 (High/Low parts) with all drums. Practice singing Funga Alafia while playing accompaniment parts. Play Ensemble I, low drum part along with sound recording of "Firework." Learn and perform choreography to chorus of Firework.
Grades 3
Objectives: Review and play high/low/ middle parts of WMD Ensemble 1 (High/Low parts) with all drums. Practice singing Funga Alafia while playing accompaniment parts. Play Ensemble 1 with sound recording of "Best Day of My Life," one slower selection, and one multicultural selection from the WMD Ensemble 1 playlist. Time allowing, begin Ensemble 2 parts. Begin choreography for Firework and learn choreography for the chorus.
Resources: Google Presentation, WMD playlist, drums, maracas, YouTube video clips with lyrics
August 29th-September 2nd
Grades 1-3
Objectives: Study the making of djembe drumheads and how this fits into using natural resources. Play modified version of WMD Ensemble 1 (High/Low parts) with tubano drums and maracas. Continue practicing proper use and care of musical instruments. Learn to sing "Funga Alafia" and begin to practice singing while playing accompaniment on the drums.
Resources: Google Presentation, WMD literature, drums, maracas, YouTube video clip on reheading goatskin djembe head
August 22nd-26th
Grades 1-3
Objectives: Identify, say, and play syllables of first name on the drum, respond with drumming answer within time allotment, play sequence of numbers within time allotment in ensemble with entire drum circle. Identify High/Low sounds with singing and drumming. Work on independent parts based on High/Low/Medium.
Resources: Google Presentation, WMD literature, drums
August 15th-19th
Grades 1-3
Objectives: Identify, say, and play syllables of first name on the drum, respond with drumming answer within time allotment, create simple rhythms using tah and tee, show steady beat and create new ways to show steady beat.
Resources: Google Presentation, WMD literature, drums
April 11th-29th
Grades 1-3
Objectives: Practice all four "Who" Songs in Seussical Jr. with correct entrances, rhythms, diction, and choreography.
Resources: Google Presentation, Seussical student score and performance CD track
April 4th-8th
Grades 1-3
Objectives: Determine placement on risers according to height and sound. Practice the first song in Seussical Jr. with correct entrances, rhythms, diction, and choreography.
Resources: Google Presentation, Seussical student score and performance CD track
March 28th- April 1st
Grades 1-3
Auditions for Seussical. Singing with good pitch, diction, stage presence, and accurate rhythms.
Resources: Seussical student score and performance CD track
February 29th- March 18th
Grades 1-3
Sing and perform boom-bah rhythms on drums and guitars using the Respect Rap (Drumming Up Character)
Practice drum procedures and drum technique, correct posture and care for the guitar, play E and B string
Perform in ensemble using guitars and drums together
Resources: Google Presentations, iTunes, Drumming Up Character DVD
February 22nd- February 26th
Grades 1-3
Sing and perform "Mary Had a Little Lamb" on the piano using C, D, E, F and G. Demonstrate proper technique with thumbs, curved fingers, and five finger position.
Explore and learn about song writers / composers
Movement Activity identifying musical form (A and B) music: Cumberland Square
Resources: Google Presentations, iTunes, Youtube clips, piano lab, Rhythmically Moving CD recording
February 15th- February 19th
Grades 1-3
Sing and perform "Ode to Joy" on the xylophone using C, D, E, F and G. Demonstrate proper mallet technique (thumbs up, chicken wings, and middle of the bars.)
Learn about the history of "Ode to Joy," Beethoven, and his Ninth Symphony. Explore how this melody is used today in churches, commercials, television, and movies.
* 3rd grade will also learn how to make a playlist and burn a CD using iTunes. Learn how to convert a YouTube video to an mp3 file. Discuss piracy, copyright law, and the importance of paying for songs that are for sale.
Resources: Google Presentations, iTunes, Youtube clips, xylophones, and mallets.
January 18th- January 29th
Grades 1-3
Objectives: Review piano keys C, D, and E. Review finger numbers, grand staff, measures, and treble clef notes C, D, and E. Read and perform C, D, and E using music notation on the treble clef staff ("Hot Cross Buns.") Read and perform half notes, whole notes, and quarter notes.
Common Core Standards: MU:Pr4.2.5a, MU:Pr4.2.6a, MU:Pr6.1.5a, MU:Pr6.1.6a
December 14th-December 18th
Grades 1-3
Objectives: Learn "7" drum patterns (patterns 1-4,) introduction to stringed instruments and the parts of the violin and cello
Resources: Violin, Cello, Bows, Google Presentation, and djembes
Common Core Standards: MU:Pr4.2.5a, MU:Pr4.2.6a, MU:Pr6.1.5a, MU:Pr6.1.6a
November 30th- December 11th
Grades 1-3
1) Extreme rhythm percussion. Creating patterns and performing in groups.
2) Reading and performing repeats and systems with endings. Christmas and Holiday songs.
3) Singing and playing rhythm accompaniment simultaneously. (Jingle Bells & We Wish You a Merry Christmas.)
Objectives: singing alone and with others, creating and composing rhythmic phrases,
Common Core Standards: MU:Pr4.2.1a, MU:Pr4.2.2a, MU:Pr4.2.2a, MU:Pr4.2.1a, MU:Pr4.1.3a
November 9th-13th
Grades 3
1) Extreme rhythm percussion. Creating patterns and performing in groups.
2) Thanksgiving songs for field trip performance.
Objectives: singing alone and with others, creating and composing rhythmic phrases,
Common Core Standards: MU:Pr4.2.1a, MU:Pr4.2.2a, MU:Pr4.2.2a, MU:Pr4.2.1a, MU:Pr4.1.3a
Grade 1
1) Review both “Do-Re-Mi” songs.Extreme rhythm percussion. Creating patterns and performing in groups.
2) Extreme body percussion basics.
3) Explore and perform steady beat while singing the rhythm of the words to “Chase the Squirrel.”
4) We will read & perform ta and ti rhythms for “Hop, Old Squirrel.”
Objectives: singing alone and with others, singing scale degrees with solfege hand signs, read and perform quarter and eighth notes
Common Core Standards: MU:Pr4.2.1a, MU:Pr4.2.2a, MU:Pr4.2.2a, MU:Pr4.2.1a, MU:Pr4.1.3a
Grade 2
1) Review both “Do-Re-Mi” songs. Extreme rhythm percussion. Creating patterns and performing in groups.
2) Extreme body percussion basics.
3) Read & transpose Sol-Mi patterns.
4) Learn to identify read three new rhythmic symbols (half rest, beamed and flagged eighth notes.)
5) Perform the symbols for Piano and Forte.
Objectives: singing alone and with others, singing scale degrees with solfege hand signs, read and perform quarter and eighth notes
Common Core Standards: MU:Pr4.2.1a, MU:Pr4.2.2a, MU:Pr4.2.2a, MU:Pr4.2.1a, MU:Pr4.1.3a
November 2nd-6th
Grades 1 & 2
1) Use appropriate instrumental technique on barred instruments while singing Pumpkin Soup.
2) Review facts abou create rhythms for Pumpkin Soup ingredients.
Objectives: singing alone and with others, performing with correct mallet technique, playing an accompaniment while singing
Common Core Standards: MU:Pr4.2.1a, MU:Pr4.2.2a, MU:Pr4.2.2a, MU:Pr4.2.1a, MU:Pr4.1.3a
t the bagpipe and our local Fife and Drum organization.
3) Improvise and
Grade 3
1) Learn Thanksgiving Songs for performance.
2) Use appropriate instrumental technique on barred instruments while singing Pumpkin Soup and Autumn Leaves Are Falling (time permitting.)
3) Learn about the bagpipe and our local Fife and Drum organization.
4) Improvise and create rhythms for Pumpkin Soup ingredients.
Objectives: singing alone and with others, performing with correct mallet technique, playing an accompaniment while singing
Common Core Standards: MU:Pr4.2.3a, MU:Pr4.2.3a, MU:Pr4.1.3a
October 26th - October 20th
Grades 1-3
1) Use appropriate instrumental technique on barred instruments while singing Pumpkin Soup (Grades 1 & 2) and Autumn Leaves Are Falling (Grade 3.)
2) Learn about the bagpipe and our local Fife and Drum organization. (Grades 1-3)
3) Improvise and create rhythms for Pumpkin Soup ingredients. (Grades 1-2)
3) Sing alone and with others. (Grades 1-3)
4) Read and interpret modified musical notation and view a score while playing barred instruments. (Grade 3)
Objectives: singing alone and with others, performing with correct mallet technique, and playing an accompaniment while singing.
Common Core Standards: MU:Pr4.2.1a, MU:Pr4.2.2a, MU:Pr4.2.3a, MU:Pr4.2.2a, MU:Pr4.2.1a, MU:Pr4.2.3a, MU:Pr4.1.3a
October 20th - October 24th
Grades 1-3
1) Add Spanish words to vocabulary through song. (Grades 1-3)
2) Use appropriate instrumental technique on barred instruments while singing. (Grades 1 & 2)
3) Sing alone and with others. (Grades 1-3)
4) Read and interpret modified musical notation and view a score while playing barred instruments. (Grade 3)
Objectives: singing alone and with others, performing with correct mallet technique, playing an accompaniment while singing, singing with correct Spanish diction and expanding vocabulary, study etymology of words (where applicable.)
Common Core Standards: MU:Pr4.2.1a, MU:Pr4.2.2a, MU:Pr4.2.3a, MU:Pr4.2.2a, MU:Pr4.2.1a, MU:Pr4.2.3a, MU:Pr4.1.3a
October 11th - October 15th
Grades 1-3
1) Learn to sing the original "Dry Bones" and link to previous "Halloween Bones" (learn background of song, and the importance of our skeletal structure for singing)
2) Sing "Ghost of John" in head voice while playing an accompanying ostinato on xylophones. 3rd grade will perform the song in canon.
3) Sing "Tumbas, Tumbas, Tumbas" in Spanish while performing percussion ostinato.
Objectives: singing alone and with others, performing with correct mallet technique, playing an accompaniment while singing, singing with correct Spanish diction and expanding vocabulary, study etymology of words (where applicable.)
Common Core Standards: MU:Pr4.2.1a, MU:Pr4.2.2a, MU:Pr4.2.3a, MU:Pr4.2.2a, MU:Pr4.2.1a, MU:Pr4.2.3a, MU:Pr4.1.3a
October 5th - October 9th
Grade 1-3
1) Review singing the “Star-Spangled Banner” and “This Land is Your Land." Warm up with "Shake Dem Halloween Bones" (1st and 2nd grade)
2) Draw Treble Clef and Bass Cleff. Identify FACE.
3) Improvise steady beat motions while listening to Edvard Grieg's "Hall of the Mountain King."
4) Learn new Do-Re-Mi Song (1st Grade)
5) Identify and play rhythms from the Soda Rhythm Game.
September 28th - October 2nd
Grade 3
1) Review singing the “Star-Spangled Banner” and “This Land is Your Land."
2) We will play a broken bordun accompaniment while singing “Let Us Chase the Squirrel” in both A sections.
4) We will echo a played rhythm while improvising a melody four times in the B section of “Let Us Chase the Squirrel.
Grade 1 & 2
1) Review singing the “Star-Spangled Banner.”
2) Practice solfege patterns with hands and singing, using head voice.
2) Play a broken bordun accompaniment while singing “Let Us Chase the Squirrel” in both A sections. Grade one will use a regular bordun.
4) Echo a played rhythm while improvising a melody four times in the B section of “Let Us Chase the Squirrel.
5) Create new steady beat movements as leaders and followers while we sing "Monkey See, Monkey Do. (assessment of steady beat.)
September 21st - September 25th
Grade 3
1) Review singing the “Star-Spangled Banner” and “My Country Tis’ of Thee.
2) Learn the meaning of the lyrics and sing "This Land is Your Land" (one of our songs for a November 3rd grade homeroom performance)
3) Introduce the song "Let Us Chase the Squirrel."
Grade 2
1) We will sing and review the National Anthem and review the lyrics (perilous, twilight, rampart, gleaming, streaming.)
2) We will sing the “Do-Re-Mi” song from the Sound of Music” using movement and Curwen hand signs.
3) We will play the scale degrees of the “Do-Re-Mi” song on barred instruments in groups.
Grade 1
1) We will sing and review the National Anthem and review the lyrics (perilous, twilight, rampart, gleaming, streaming.)
2) We will sing the “Do-Re-Mi” song from the Sound of Music” using movement and Curwen hand signs.
3) We will play a bordun accompaniment and use movement while singing "All Around the Brickyard."
September 14th - September 18th
Grade 1 & 2
1) Sing and play “Fiddle eye fee” in interactive groups on the barred instruments . . . A, G, F, and C.
2) Review movements to Bim-bom and the Dum, Dum Song
Grade 3
1) Sing the “Star-Spangled Banner” and “My Country Tis’ of Thee.”
2) We will sing “I Bought Me a Cat” and interactively play the rhythms and melodic segments with others.
3) Review movements to Bim-Bom and Dum-Dum song.
4) Aurally identify intervals and sing scale degree numbers and musical alphabet (backward and forward.)
August 31st - September 4th
Grade 1 & 2
Objectives: Continue practicing music classroom procedures, sing/show Do-Re-Mi-So-La, show steady beat through movement, play barred instruments up and down with correct technique, and identify the xylophone, metallophone, and glockenspiel.
Resources: Google Presentations, Rhythmically moving CD, xylophones, metallophones, glockenspiels, and mallets
August 24th - August 28th
Grade 1
Objectives: Continue practicing music classroom procedures, sing/show Do-Re-Mi-So-La, show steady beat through movement, learn to play barred instruments with correct technique, and be able to identify the xylophone, metallophone, and glockenspiel.
Resources: Google Presentations, Rhythmically moving CD, xylophones, metallophones, glockenspiels, and mallets
Grade 2
Objectives: Continue practicing music classroom procedures, sing/show Do-Re-Mi-So-La, show steady beat through movement, play barred instruments with correct technique, accompany while singing, read So-La-So-Mi pattern in standard notation, read and perform rhythms.
Resources: Google Presentations, Rhythmically moving CD, xylophones, metallophones, glockenspiels, and mallets
Grade 3
Objectives: Continue practicing music classroom procedures, sing/show Do-Re-Mi-So-La, show steady beat through movement, play barred instruments with correct technique, accompany while singing, read So-La-So-Mi pattern in standard notation, read and perform rhythms.
Resources: Google Presentations, xylophones, metallophones, glockenspiels, and mallets
May 26th - June 5th
Grades 1-3
Objectives: Technology and auditioning
(finding accompaniment music, converting youtube music into mp3 files, burning CDs- 3rd grade)
(microphone etiquette, preparedness, stage presentation, breath control- 2nd grade)
Resources: sound system, microphones, itunes, youtube videos, youtube video converter,
Rhythm Sticks activities and drum circle.
May 18th - May 22nd
Grades 1-3
Objectives: Basic principals for auditioning for talent show (microphone etiquette, preparedness, stage presentation, breath control)
Resources: sound system, microphones, stage
May 5th - May 15th
Grades 1-3
Objectives: Introduced Major and Minor to all grades, the term "acappella", and review the stringed instruments (and their care.) Practice the chorus to "Cool Kids" for the daytime choir concert next week.
Resources: Google presentation, video clips, violin and cello (and bows / rosin.)
April 6th - May 4th
Grades 1-3
Objectives: Learn opening Willy Wonka KIDS song, "Golden Age of Chocolate" and the chorus of "Candy Man" 3rd grade. . . All the Oompa Loompa choruses. All grades will learn opening and finale piece.
Resources: Google presentation, Willy Wonka KIDS CD, risers, piano, and piano score
March 30th- April 3rd
Grades 1-3
Objectives: reviewing and using rhythmic notation, composing/creating melody with prescribed rhythmic phrase and ending on tonic, learning and using sixteenth notes (3rd grade only,) reviewing piano technique using Easter Egg for good thumb and curved fingers.
Resources: Google presentation, barred instruments, percussion instruments, Orff-Schulwerk Level II literature, Easter eggs
1st grade
MU:Cr1.1b With limited guidance, generate musical ideas in multiple tonalities (such as major and minor) and meters (such as duple and triple)
MU:Cr3.2.1a With limited guidance, convey expressive intent for a specific purpose by presenting a final version of personal musical ideas to peers or informal audience.
MU:Pr4.2.1b When analyzing selected music, read and perform rhythmic patterns using iconic or standard notation.
2nd Grade
MU:Cr1.1.2a Improvise rhythmic and melodic patterns and musical ideas for a specific purpose. MU:Cr3.2.2a Convey expressive intent for a specific purpose by presenting a final version of personal musical ideas to peers or informal audience.
MU:Pr4.2.2b When analyzing selected music, read and perform rhythmic and melodic patterns using iconic or standard notation.
3rd Grade
MU:Cr2.1.3a Demonstrate selected musical ideas for a simple improvisation or composition to express intent, and describe connection to a specific purpose and context.
MU:Cr3.2.3a Present the final version of personal created music to others, and describe connection to expressive intent.
Grades 1-3 March16-20
March 16th-20th
Grades 1-3
Objectives: reviewing and using rhythmic notation, composing rhythmic ostinati in groups of 4, learning and using sixteenth notes (3rd grade only,) performing original compositions in groups for the class, being audience appropriate.
Resources: Google presentation, barred instruments, percussion instruments, Orff-Schulwerk Level II literature
1st grade
MU:Cr1.1b With limited guidance, generate musical ideas in multiple tonalities (such as major and minor) and meters (such as duple and triple)
MU:Cr3.2.1a With limited guidance, convey expressive intent for a specific purpose by presenting a final version of personal musical ideas to peers or informal audience.
MU:Pr4.2.1b When analyzing selected music, read and perform rhythmic patterns using iconic or standard notation.
2nd Grade
MU:Cr1.1.2a Improvise rhythmic and melodic patterns and musical ideas for a specific purpose. MU:Cr3.2.2a Convey expressive intent for a specific purpose by presenting a final version of personal musical ideas to peers or informal audience.
MU:Pr4.2.2b When analyzing selected music, read and perform rhythmic and melodic patterns using iconic or standard notation.
3rd Grade
MU:Cr2.1.3a Demonstrate selected musical ideas for a simple improvisation or composition to express intent, and describe connection to a specific purpose and context.
MU:Cr3.2.3a Present the final version of personal created music to others, and describe connection to expressive intent.
March 9th-13th
Grades 1-3
Objectives: Listening and analyzing, singing alone and with others, audition preparation, creating rhythmic and melodic phrases, presenting
Resources: Google presentation, barred instruments, music from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, common core standards, Orff-Schulwerk Level II literature
1st Grade-- Audition preparation for Willy Wonka, and create rhythmic composition in small groups for the B section of "Margie Ate Some Marmalade"
2nd Grade-- Audition preparation for Willy Wonka, and create rhythmic composition in small groups for the B section of "Margie Ate Some Marmalade," evaluate and combine
3rd Grade-- Audition preparation, and create rhythmic composition in small groups for the B section of "Margie Ate Some Marmalade," play xylophone part to "Wavin Flag"
1st Grade Common Core Standards
MU:Pr6.1.1a With limited guidance, perform music for a specific purpose with expression
MU:Pr6.1.1a With limited guidance, perform music for a specific purpose with expression
MU:Cr1.1.1a With limited guidance, create musical ideas (such as answering a musical question) for a specific purpose.
MU:Cr1.1b With limited guidance, generate musical ideas in multiple tonalities (such as major and minor) and meters (such as duple and triple)
2nd Grade Common Core Standards
MU:Pr6.1.2a Perform music for a specific purpose with expression and technical accuracy.
MU:Pr6.1.2b Perform appropriately for the audience and purpose.
MU:Cr1.1.2a Improvise rhythmic and melodic patterns and musical ideas for a specific purpose.
MU:Cr1.1.2b Generate musical patterns and ideas within the context of a given tonality (such as major and minor) and meter (such as duple and triple).
3rd Grade Common Core Standards
MU:Pr6.1.3a Perform music with expression and technical accuracy.
MU:Pr6.1.3b Demonstrate performance decorum and audience etiquette appropriate for the context and venue
MU:Cr1.1.3a Improvise rhythmic and melodic ideas, and describe connection to specific purpose and context (such as personal and social).
MU:Cr1.1.3b Generate musical ideas (such as rhythms and melodies) within a given tonality and/or meter.
March 2nd-6th
Grades 1-3
Objectives: Listening and analyzing, singing alone and with others, playing while reading beginner music notation, repeat signs, accompanying singers for Wavin Flag
Resources: Google presentation, Xylophones, video clip of Wavin' Flag (for 1st and 2nd), lyrics
February 16th-27th
Grades 1-3
Objectives: Listening and analyzing, singing alone and with others, dancing/moving to steady beat, drum technique (high / low tones and repeating simple rhythmic pattern while singing.
Resources: Google presentation, Kennedy Center video clip, Gullah Gullah Island video clip, and African drums.
February 2nd-6th
Grades 1-3
Objectives: Listening and analyzing, singing alone and with others, reading musical notation, aurally analyzing high/low, CDE and finger numbers
Resources: zebrakeys.com, piano lab, studio piano from the gym, Keyboard Kritters, Google Presentation, Projector, www.key-notes.com
Piano Objectives: Review C, D, & E, finger numbers, music notation basics, introduces measures, review RH/LH, introduce "Mary Had a Little Lamb"
January 26th-30th
Grades 1-3
Objectives: Listening and analyzing, singing alone and with others, reading and performing from different types of musical scores, aurally analyzing high/low
Resources: zebrakeys.com, piano lab, studio piano from the gym, Keyboard Kritters, Google Presentation, Projector, www.key-notes.com
Grades 1st-3rd
Objectives: Listening and analyzing, performing simple songs on piano, reading music notation, introduce C on the piano, identify 2 black key groups
Resources: zebrakeys.com, piano lab, studio piano from the gym, Faber and Faber primer level book ,www.key-notes.com, SmartExchange Key Racer Game, Youtube clips
Introduction to Piano review basic rhythms, identify and perform black on key groups, find C on the piano, introduce line/space notes for treble clef, and draw the keyboard with "Keyboard Tango."
January 12th-16th
Grade 1-3
Objectives: Listening and analyzing, singing alone and with others, reading and performing from different types of musical scores, aurally analyzing intervals and scales, identify and sing scale tones (numbers and solfege)
Resources: zebrakeys.com, piano lab, studio piano from the gym, Faber and Faber primer level book ,www.key-notes.com
Introduction to Piano Comparison of digital and traditional piano with hammers,identify and use finger numbers, identify and perform black key groups, identify and perform first white key (D)
January 5th-9th
Grades 1& 2
Objectives Sing alone and with others, identifying high/low, performing and identifying form (A & B), melody and form.
Resources: Gamplan 2, piano lab, tenor/soprano recorders, interactive theater display for ANNIE
Singing & Movement: sing and perform choreography The Noble Duke of York
Instrument Activities: Finding and playing two black key groups, and D on the piano (D and E for 2nd grade)
Exploring High/Low: Comparing the soprano and tenor recorder aurally and visually
Broadway Repertoire: Overview of the storyline and five popular songs from Annie (using interactive movie theater display)
Grades 3
Objectives Sing alone and with others, identifying high/low, performing and identifying form (A & B), melody and form.
Resources: piano lab, tenor/soprano recorders, interactive theater display for ANNIE
Instrument Activities: Finding and playing two black key groups, and D on the piano (D and E for 2nd grade)
Exploring High/Low: Comparing the soprano and tenor recorder aurally and visually
Broadway Repertoire: Overview of the storyline and five popular songs from Annie (using interactive movie theater display)
November 9th-14th
Grade 1
Objectives Read and perform rhythms with quarter notes, beamed eighth notes, quarter rests. Play and feel steady beat while singing different rhythms with others, explore the concept of demonstrate proper mallet technique. demonstrate up and down on an instrument.
Resources: Google presentation, metallophones, xylophones, maracas, wood blocks, Music K8 youtube video, GamePlan Grade 1)
Singing Warmup Activities: Review "Do Re Mi" and introduce new Music K8 "Do-Re-Mi" Song. (Echo solfege patterns)
Instrument Activities: "Chase the Squirrel" (Review steady beat vs. rhythm of the words, perform steady beat bordun in G pentatonic while singing)
"Hop, Old Squirrel" (Perform steady beat & a steady beat introduction on xylophones/drums while singing the rhythm of the words.)
Movement Activity: "Walk and Stop"
Grade 2
Objectives Read rhythms with quarter notes, beamed & flagged eighth notes, , play steady beat while singing different rhythms with others, transpose Sol-Mi patterns, demonstrate proper mallet technique. read/perform the symbols for Piano & Forte, describe the different timbres of the metallophone/ glockenspiels/xylophones.
Resources: Google presentation, unpitched percussion instruments, xylophones, metallophones, glockenspiels, Music K8 YouTube video clip
Solfege Activities: Review "Do Re Mi" from The Sound of Music, learn a new "Do-Re-Mi" song from MusicK8, and drill various solfege patterns with Curwen hand signs.
Rhythm Acticity: "Jelly in the Bowl" (reading beamed and flagged eighth notes, performing complementary parts with others)
Instrument Activity: "All Around the Brickyard" ( play steady-beat accompaniment while singing melody, listening for different timbre and instrument groups)
Read and Transpose Sol-Mi Patterns (see presentation)
Dynamics: "Jeremiah" (read and perform chant with appropriate dynamic symbols for each line.)
November 3rd-7th
Grade 1
Objectives Read and perform rhythms with quarter notes, beamed eighth notes, quarter rests. Play and feel steady beat while singing different rhythms with others, explore the concept of demonstrate proper mallet technique. demonstrate up and down on an instrument, establish the concept of an "introduction."
Resources: Google presentation, unpitched percussion instruments, xylophones, rhythm sticks
Singing Warmup Activities: Review "Do Re Mi" and "High-Low Song"
"Hot Pretzels" from Rhythmically Moving (Play steady beat and read/play rhythm stick rhythms displayed on Google slide.)
"Pease Porridge Hot" (Review steady beat vs. rhythm of the words, perform steady beat and poem with body percussion and chant, learn history of Pease Porridge)
"Engine, Engine, Number Nine" (Perform steady beat & a steady beat introduction on xylophones/drums while singing the rhythm of the words.)
Grade 2
Objectives Read rhythms with quarter notes, tied quarter notes, half notes, beamed eighth notes, single eighth notes, play steady beat while singing different rhythms with others, explore the concept of "moveable do" (singing & reading a melody in two different keys) demonstrate proper mallet technique. demonstrate up and down on an instrument, establish the concept of using a coda
Resources: Google presentation, unpitched percussion instruments, xylophones
Solfege Activities: Review "Do Re Mi" from The Sound of Music and drill various solfege patterns with Curwen hand signs.
"Bounce High, Bounce Low" (perform and read in two different keys- moveable do)
Instrument Activity: "Let Us Chase the Squirrel" (tied notes, half notes, and play steady-beat accompaniment while singing melody)
"Jelly in the Bowl" (eighth notes - beamed and single, quarter & quarter rest, coda)
Grade 3
Objectives Read rhythms with quarter notes and paired eighth notes. Identify musical form (A, B.) Play a steady beat while singing different rhythms with others, Find group of two black notes on piano, Find / Associate High and Low with Left and Right Hands
Resources: Google presentation, Piano Lab
Solfege Activities: Review "Do Re Mi" from The Sound of Music and drill various solfege patterns with Curwen hand signs.
Thanksgiving Songs for 3rd grade class performance (November 20th)
Establish and implement the concept of VERSE and CHORUS.
Introduce Native American culture, US geography, American Folk Music, and American History as it pertains to lyrics contained in Thanksgiving songs
Piano Lab Establish rules and procedures, find the "2 group" of black keys, play high and low on 2 groups, find D and E
October 20th-24th
Grade 1 - 3
Objectives Read rhythms with quarter notes and paired eighth notes. Identify musical form (A, B.) Play a steady beat while singing different rhythms with others, Find group of two black notes on piano, Find / Associate High and Low with Left and Right Hands
Resources: Google presentation, Xylophones & Metallophones
Classroom Procedure Songs "Put Your Chair in Your Square" and "Dum-Dum Song" (for 3rd grade)
Solfege Activities "I Can Tap My Knees" and Echo So-Mi-Do (appropriate for each grade)
"Do Re Mi" from The Sound of Music Using both sing-a-long and Google lyrics slide
Instrument Activity on "Do, Re, Mi"
Piano Lab Establish rules and procedures, find the "2 group" of black keys, play high and low on 2 groups
October 13th-17th
Grade 1 & 2
Objectives Read rhythms with quarter notes and paired eighth notes. Identify musical form (A, B.) Play a steady beat while singing different rhythms with others, Find group of two black notes on piano, Find / Associate High and Low with Left and Right Hands
Resources: Google presentation, 2 Bass Xylophones, 2 Alto Xylophones, Candy Corn, Hand puppet, Piano Lab
Classroom Procedure Songs "Put Your Chair in Your Square"
Instrument Activity "Candy Store" game / activity (play steady beat while singing song, clap rhythmic chain in section B, rotate activity with partners.)
Piano Lab Establish rules and procedures, find the "2 group" of black keys, play high and low on 2 groups,
Grade 3
Objectives Read rhythms with quarter notes and paired eighth notes. Identify musical form (A, B.) Play a steady beat while singing different rhythms with others, Find group of two black notes on piano, Find / Associate High and Low with Left and Right Hands, find the note "D"
Resources: Google presentation, 2 Bass Xylophones, 2 Alto Xylophones, Candy Corn, Hand puppet, Piano Lab
Classroom Procedure Songs "Put Your Chair in Your Square"
Instrument Activity "Candy Store" game / activity (play steady beat while singing song, clap rhythmic chain in section B, rotate activity with partners.)
Piano Lab Establish rules and procedures, find the "2 group" of black keys, play high and low on 2 groups, find the note "D"
October 6th-10th
Update: Due to the stomach virus outbreak at the beginning of the week, lesson plans have been adjusted to other activities limiting contact with others or instruments. This week, students will learn two body percussion songs, participate in a reading activity/sing-a-long (Wizard of Oz main characters.)
Grade 1 & 2
Objectives Read rhythms with quarter notes and paired eighth notes. Identify musical form (A, B.) Play a steady beat while singing different rhythms with others, Find group of two black notes on piano, Find / Associate High and Low with Left and Right Hands
Resources: Google presentation, 2 Bass Xylophones, 2 Alto Xylophones, Candy Corn, Hand puppet, Piano Lab
Classroom Procedure Songs "Put Your Chair in Your Square"
Instrument Activity "Candy Store" game / activity (play steady beat while singing song, clap rhythmic chain in section B, rotate activity with partners.)
Piano Lab Establish rules and procedures, find the "2 group" of black keys, play high and low on 2 groups,
Grade 3
Objectives Read rhythms with quarter notes and paired eighth notes. Identify musical form (A, B.) Play a steady beat while singing different rhythms with others, Find group of two black notes on piano, Find / Associate High and Low with Left and Right Hands, find the note "D"
Resources: Google presentation, 2 Bass Xylophones, 2 Alto Xylophones, Candy Corn, Hand puppet, Piano Lab
Classroom Procedure Songs "Put Your Chair in Your Square"
Instrument Activity "Candy Store" game / activity (play steady beat while singing song, clap rhythmic chain in section B, rotate activity with partners.)
Piano Lab Establish rules and procedures, find the "2 group" of black keys, play high and low on 2 groups, find the note "D"
September 29-October 3rd
Grade 1 & 2
Objectives Read rhythms with quarter notes and paired eighth notes. Read animal names while singing. Interactively play instruments with others. Read 1st and 2nd verse in a musical score, Identify musical form (A, B.)
Resources: Google presentation, video clip of "Fiddle- Eye Fee," cowbells, cabasas, hand drums, tambourines, guiros.
Classroom Procedure Songs "Put Your Chair in Your Square"
Review Quarter Rest, Eighth Note Pairs, and Quarter Notes Play interactive rhythms on instruments and sing with others while singing "I Bought Me a Cat" (fiddle-eye-fee.) Wait for appropriate time to play assigned "animal" part.
Form and Reading So / Mi Introduce "Candy Store" for next week's instrument activity. Read So & Mi on the 5-line staff (color-coded) notes. Identify sections A and B.
Grade 3
Objectives Read rhythms with quarter notes and paired eighth notes. Read animal names while singing. Interactively play instruments with others. Read first and second verses in a musical score, Identify musical form (A, B) Define unusual vocabulary in the first/second verse of "My Country Tis of Thee."
Resources: Google presentation, video clip of "Fiddle- Eye Fee," cowbells, cabasas, hand drums, tambourines, guiros.
Classroom Procedure Songs "Put Your Chair in Your Square"
Read and Perform 1st / 2nd verse of "My Country Tis of Thee" Define vocabulary words "native country, "templed hills," and "rills."
Review Quarter Rest, Eighth Note Pairs, and Quarter Notes Play interactive rhythms on instruments and sing with others while singing "I Bought Me a Cat" (fiddle-eye-fee.) Wait for appropriate time to play assigned "animal" part.
Form and Reading So / Mi Introduce "Candy Store" for next week's instrument activity. Read So & Mi on the 5-line staff (color-coded) notes. Identify sections A and B.
Finish "Draw a Bucket of Water" with classes who did not finish previous week.
September 22-26
Grade 1
Objectives Show high and low Do / C with voice, movement, and instruments. Read rhythms with quarter notes and paired eighth notes. Read animal names while singing. Interactively play instruments with others.
Resources: Google presentation, video clips of High/Low Song, Boomwackers, Xylophones, & Metallophones
Classroom Procedure Songs "Put Your Chair in Your Square" & "Sit-Bones"
Movement & Vocal Activity Explore and Show High / Low with voice and movement. Play low and high C with proper mallet technique using new song.
Review Quarter Rest, Eighth Note Pairs, and Quarter Notes Play interactive rhythms with others while singing "I Bought Me a Cat" (fiddle-eye-fee)
Grade 2
Objectives Show high and low Do / C with voice, movement, and instruments. Read rhythms with quarter notes and paired eighth notes. Read animal names while singing. Interactively play instruments with others.
Resources: Google presentation, video clips of High/Low Song, Boomwackers, Xylophones, & Metallophones
Classroom Procedure Songs "Put Your Chair in Your Square" & "Sit-Bones"
Movement & Vocal Activity Explore and Show High / Low with voice and movement. Play low and high C with proper mallet technique using new song.
Review Reading and Playing Rhythms with Quarter Notes and Eighth Note Pairs Play interactive rhythms with others while singing "I Bought Me a Cat" (fiddle-eye-fee)
“Draw a Bucket of Water” Students learn history of play-party song, sing melody & show musical expression through movement/interactive dance with others (using scarves instead of holding hands.)
Grade 3
Objectives: Sing the national anthem and "My Country Tis of Thee" with knowledge and understanding, show high and low Do / C with voice, movement, and instruments. Read rhythms with quarter notes and paired eighth notes. Read animal names while singing. Interactively play instruments with others. Perform interactive dance and accompaniment to a song.
Resources: Google presentation, GamePlan curriculum & materials, Orff instruments, Scarves, Boomwackers
Opening Patriotic Songs National anthem and "My Country Tis of Thee
Movement & Vocal Activity Explore and Show High / Low with voice and movement. Play low and high C with proper mallet technique using new song.
Review Reading and Playing Rhythms with Quarter Notes and Eighth Note Pairs Play interactive rhythms with others while singing "I Bought Me a Cat" (fiddle-eye-fee)
“Draw a Bucket of Water” Students learn history of play-party song, sing melody & show musical expression through movement/interactive dance with others (using scarves instead of holding hands.)
"Draw a Bucket of Water" students learn history of play-party song, sing melody and show musical expression through movement/ interactive dance with others (using scarves instead of holding hands.)
September 15-18
Grade 1
Objectives: Show steady beat when listening to music, Sing/Show Do-Re-Mi-So-La, use proper mallet/instrument technique, Echo simple rhythms in 2 body levels
Resources: Google presentation, video clips of High/Low Song (Sesame Street BBshop Quartet, GamePlan curriculum & materials, Orff instruments.)
Classroom Procedure Songs "Put Your Chair in Your Square" and "Sit-Bones"
Movement & Vocal Activity Explore High and Low with listening,voice and movement. Keep steady beat while expressing High/Low
Review Mallet Technique and Proper Xylophone Technique No sneaky pointer fingers, thumbs up and bicycle form, Form an A with mallets, play in the center of the bars.
Playing and Singing Up/Down the Musical Alphabet Sing and Play CDEFG on the Xylophone and Metallophone.
Review Quarter Rest, Eighth Note Pairs, and Quarter Notes with introduction to "I Bought Me a Cat" and rhythmic Ostinato for "Fiddle-Ay-Fee."
Grade 2
Objectives Show steady beat when reciting a poem and saying names in rhythm, read & play a 4-beat rhythmic pattern on a hand-held unpitched instrument, explore timbre differences between wood, metal, skin, and shaker instruments, sing a play-party song while performing dance movements with scarves.
Resources: Google presentation, GamePlan curriculum & Rhythmically Moving CD, wood block, guiro, tambourine, hand drum, cowbell
Classroom Procedure Songs "Put Your Chair in Your Square" and "Sit-Bones"
Movement & Vocal Activity Explore High and Low with listening,voice and movement. Keep steady beat while expressing High/Low
Review Mallet Technique and Proper Xylophone Technique No sneaky pointer fingers, thumbs up and bicycle form, Form an A with mallets, play in the center of the bars.
Playing and Singing Up/Down the Musical Alphabet Sing and Play CDEFG on the Xylophone and Metallophone.
“Draw a Bucket of Water” Students learn history of play-party song, sing melody & show musical expression through movement/interactive dance with others (using scarves instead of holding hands.)
Review Quarter Rest, Eighth Note Pairs, and Quarter Notes with introduction to "I Bought Me a Cat" and rhythmic Ostinato for "Fiddle-Ay-Fee."
Grade 3
Objectives: Explore American and music history, sing the national anthem with knowledge and understanding, show musical expression through dance and song movement
Resources: Google presentation, GamePlan curriculum & materials, Orff instruments
Star-Spangled Banner History of lyrics and tune, meaning of difficult words, singing with others, evaluating performances, exploring music history
"Draw a Bucket of Water" students learn history of play-party song, sing melody and show musical expression through movement/ interactive dance with others (using scarves instead of holding hands.)
September 8-12
Grade 1
Objectives: Show steady beat when listening to music, Sing/Show Do-Re-Mi-So-La, use proper mallet/instrument technique, Echo simple rhythms in 2 body levels
Resources: Google presentation, GamePlan curriculum & materials, Orff instruments
Classroom Procedure Songs "Put Your Chair in Your Square" and "Sit-Bones"
Solfege Drill So-Mi and Mi, Re, Do (
Moving to the Pulse & Body Percussion Explore and express steady pulse with non-locomotor movements to "The Syncopated Clock," clap the ending syncopated phrases.
Instrument and Rhythm-Reading ActivityBody Percussion Rhythms introduce reading and performing quarter rests with Muffin Man visual (extension from last week)
Explore Rests in Music with muffin "beat" visuals in the "Muffin Man" song
Mallet Technique and Proper Xylophone Technique No sneaky pointer fingers, thumbs up and bicycle form, Form an A with mallets, play in the center of the bars.
Moving up and down exploring moving up and down to the look & sound of the xylophone, pass and play the soprano xylophone glissando up and down with one mallet)
Sing and Play Up/Down "Hickory, Dickory Dock" students play ascending glissando on "up" and a descending glissando on "down"
Watch the Director Play in C Pentatonic with each step taken (watching and playing.)
National Standards: 1a, 2a,
Grade 2
Objectives Show steady beat when reciting a poem and saying names in rhythm, read & play a 4-beat rhythmic pattern on a hand-held unpitched instrument, explore timbre differences between wood, metal, skin, and shaker instruments, sing a play-party song while performing dance movements with scarves.
Resources: Google presentation, GamePlan curriculum & Rhythmically Moving CD, wood block, guiro, tambourine, hand drum, cowbell
Classroom Procedure Songs "Put Your Chair in Your Square" and "Sit-Bones"
Moving to the Pulse & Body Percussion Show a steady beat while reciting “I Can Keep a Beat" and saying names in rhythm
Instrument and Rhythm-Reading Activity We will take turns reading & playing a 4-beat rhythm pattern on the wood block, tambourine, cowbell, triangle, hand drum, and guiro. This pattern will include ♩ ♫ and quarter rests. Extend activity with game identifying the sounds of each instrument played.
“Draw a Bucket of Water” Students learn history of play-party song, sing melody & show musical expression through movement/interactive dance with others (using scarves instead of holding hands.)
Grade 3
Objectives: Accompany a poem with 2-level body percussion ostinato, use aural and memory skills to process 4-beat rhythmic patterns in a "telephone" game, show musical expression through dance and song movement, sing a song with others.
Resources: Google presentation, GamePlan curriculum & materials, Orff instruments
Classroom Procedure Song "Put Your Chair in Your Square" and "Sit-Bones"
Moving to the Pulse "Talk to Me" poem with 2-level accompanying body percussion ostinato.
Read and Perform Rhythm Cards "Telephone Rhythm" game (4-beat measures)
Solfege Review in F Pentatonic (So-La-Mi-Re-Do)
"Draw a Bucket of Water" students learn history of play-party song, sing melody and show musical expression through movement/ interactive dance with others (using scarves instead of holding hands.)
September 2-5
Grade 1
Objectives: Show steady beat when listening to music, Sing/Show Do-Re-Mi-So-La, Use proper mallet/instrument technique, Echo simple rhythms in 2 body levels
Resources: Google presentation, GamePlan curriculum & materials, Orff instruments
New Classroom Procedure Song "Put Your Chair in Your Square"
Body Percussion Rhythms (echoing in 1-2 body levels in four measure phrases)
Moving to the Pulse with "Yankee Doodle" -students show steady beat in various ways & follow the teacher, display of historical painting of Yankee Doodle and lyrics
(movement examples- swinging arms, tapping knees, bending elbows, tapping head)
Solfege So-Mi and Mi, Re, Do (ending with “Do, Re, Mi” movement song)
Explore Rests in Music with muffin "beat" visuals in the "Muffin Man" song
Moving up and down exploring moving up and down to the look & sound of glockenspiel, pass and play the glockenspiel (glissando up and down with one mallet)
Sing and Play Up/Down "Hickory, Dickory Dock" students play ascending glissando on "up" and a descending glissando on "down"
Closing Song with Movement "Hands on Shoulders"
National Standards: 1a, 2a,
Grade 2
Objectives: Show steady beat when listening to music, Sing/Show Do-Re-Mi-So-La, Use proper mallet/instrument technique, Echo 2 measure rhythms in 3 body levels, read and perform rhythms with quarter rest, quarter notes, & eighth notes.
Resources: Google presentation, GamePlan curriculum & Rhythmically Moving CD, Xylophones / Metallophones
New Classroom Procedure Song "Put Your Chair in Your Square"
Body Percussion (3 levels)
Solfege Drill - So-Mi & Mi-Re-Do, and introduce "La" with Whole Body Listening Song, "Rest Your Sit-Bones in Your Seat"
Moving to the Pulse with "Yankee Doodle" -students show steady beat in various ways & follow the teacher, display of historical painting of Yankee Doodle and lyrics
(movement examples- swinging arms, tapping knees, bending elbows, tapping head)
Body Percussion Rhythms (echoing in 1-2 body levels in four measure phrases)
Rhythm Reading cards displayed on Google Presentation (combinations of quarter rest, quarter, & two eighths-- two measure phrases)
"Traffic Light" reading So-Mi-La on the staff, review mallet/instrument technique, play simple bordun accompaniment while singing, students play color coded rhythms in C Pentatonic as extension.
Grade 3
Objectives: Echo 2-measure rhythms in 4 body levels, move to pulse on assigned beat numbers, sing/show/read Do-Re-Mi-So-La, read and perform rhythms with quarter rest, quarter notes, half rests, & eighth notes. use proper mallet/instrument technique while playing Mi-Re-Do in F pentatonic, create a 16- beat rhythmic word chain for spoken section
Resources: Google presentation, GamePlan curriculum & materials, Orff instruments
New Classroom Procedure Song / Rap "Put Your Chair in Your Square"
Body Percussion (4 levels)
Moving to the Pulse students will move to beats 1-2-3-4, then 1, 3, and then 1.
Read and Perform Rhythm Cards (Google Presentation)
Solfege Review in F Pentatonic (So-La-Mi-Re-Do)
"Down At the Baker's Shop" students learn melody in F Pentatonic, review mallet technique, perform while singing, compose 16-beat word chain for spoken B section of song.
August 25-29
Grade 1
Objectives: Show steady beat when listening to music, Sing/Show Do-Re-Mi-So-La, Use proper mallet/instrument technique, Echo simple rhythms in 2 body levels
Resources: Google presentation, GamePlan curriculum & materials, Orff instruments
*"All the Way to Galway" -students show steady beat in various ways & follow the teacher
*Moving to the Pulse -students move in various ways to beat of the drum and freeze when it stops. (movement examples- swinging arms, tapping knees, bending elbows, tapping head)
*Solfege Drill - So-Mi and Mi, Re, Do
*Solfege Song with Movement (review) “I Can Tap My Knees / Do, Re, Mi”
*Body Percussion Rhythms (echoing in 1-2 body levels in four measure phrases)
*"Go, Go, Go" review mallet technique, play and recite poem, opposite group of students help those on the instruments with movement.
*Song with Movement (review) “Hands on Shoulders”
*Piano Lab (introduction tour)
*Hand-held percussion instruments (pass and play)
National Standards: 1a, 2a,
Grade 2 & 3
Objectives: Sing /Show Do-Re-Mi-So-La, Demonstrate proper instrument technique and set instruments up for C Pentatonic, Read and perform rhythms containing Ta/Ti/Rest, Sing a song in C pentatonic while playing a simple Bordun accompaniment.
Resources: Google Presentation and GamePlan Curriculum & Materials
*Solfege Drill -So-Mi and Mi-Re-Do
*Solfege Song with Movement (review) “I Can Tap My Knees / Do, Re, Mi”
*Rhythmic Body Percussion (Echoing in 1-2 body levels in four measure phrases)
*Rhythm Cards -Ta, Ti's, and Quarter Rests
*Moving to the Pulse -students move in various ways to beat of the drum and freeze when it stops. (movement examples- swinging arms, tapping knees, bending elbows, tapping head)
*Set up Barred Instruments (removing F and B)
*"Charlie Over the Ocean" -Sing song and play Bordun in C Pentatonic
*Piano Lab (Introduction Tour)
August 18-22
Grades 1 & 2
*Classroom Rules (PowerPoint)
*Song with Movement “I Can Tap My Knees / Do, Re, Mi”
*Rhythmic Body Percussion (Echoing in 1-2 body levels in four measure phrases)
*Introduction to Guiro, Wood Block, and Tambourine
Play the rhythm for “Will you be my friend” on each instrument and pass to neighbor.
*Song with Movement “Hands on Shoulders”
*“Go, Go, Go!” (practicing mallet part on laps)
speak and play poem (teacher leading with conga drum)
National Standards: 1a, 1c, 2c, and 2d
Grade 3
*Classroom Rules (Power Point)
*Body percussion echoing (use up to four levels)
*“Fuzzy Wuzzy”
teach rhythms via body percussion first
review mallet technique (hold, striking in the center, keep close to instruments)
practice setting up instrument in C Pentatonic
perform accompanying ostinato on the barred instruments
practice putting bars back on the instrument in correct order
National Standards: 1a, 1c, 2d, and 2e