English 12

Welcome to your last year of high school! This course is designed to help you make it to graduation. We will focus on skills that you need to hone in order to be successful in your goals for the future. We will be looking at a variety of types of texts, focusing on skills, and writing a plethora of essays over the course of the year. This class will culminate with the Senior Capstone 2nd semester.

All information and and materials will be housed in Google Classroom.

Chromebook Expectations

Every day! Every class! CHARGED!

Chromebooks are to be used as a learning tool. LanSchool is on every chromebook allowing the teacher to control and monitor student use. Inappropriate use will result in consequences.

Inappropriate Use of Technology Within the Classroom:

If students engage in the “inappropriate” use of electronics within the class, then their right to use these devices in the future will be removed.

  • This includes but not limited to: visiting websites for non-class purposed, shopping online, playing games, Facebook/Social Media, youtube/netflix, streaming music, etc.

The tech fee must be paid to print from school.

Chromebook classroom activities will allow for students to peer-edit, research, create, collaborate, develop, and overall demonstrate higher order thinking skills. At times, headphones will be required so that the learning of one student does not interfere with the learning of another student.

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Section:

If students bring their own device, they are responsible for not only their own maintenance, but also keeping pace with the class even if their device does not operate the same as a Chromebook. For example, loading apps or extensions that may be pushed out from the teacher. All classroom instructional knowledge is based on teacher Chromebook knowledge only. Also, the internal network on Chromebooks is faster than on private devices and the teacher will not be expected to keep pace with students who choose to BYOD.