
Post date: Mar 19, 2012 5:36:48 PM

This year we haven't had much snow.  It's been kind of crazy.  I like snow and have missed it this year.  I don't like driving in it, and I don't miss living in Alaska and dealing with all their snow, but I do enjoy a snow storm or two, watching the snow falling, and turning everything white.  Every year we put the trampoline away during the winter.  Well there was no need this year.  So, by the end of February Jake and the boys put the trampoline back up and wouldn't you know it, the next week we finally get snow.  It snowed a few inches and melted in a day or two, but the boys had lots of fun playing in the snow. (I think they miss Alaska for all the snow we use to get.  They love playing in the snow and going sledding!)