One Act Cast

Cambridge-Isanti High School

Produced by Special Arrangements with Dramatists Play Service

The Women of Lockerbie

by Deborah Brevoort


Adam Livingston…………………………………………..……. Anders Baxter

Madeline Livingston………………………………..…………. Amanda Hosch

Bill Livingston………………………………………………..….. Gabriel Maxwell

Olive Allison……………………………………………...……….. Kara Olson

Women of Lockerbie…………………………………………… Raeann Goetz

Kate Larson

Annie Lind

Abigail Shogren

Olivia Sickler

Jasmine Stevens

Nicolle Ulrich

Hattie………………………………………………….…………….. Hailey O’Connor

George Jones …………………………………………...……….. Wyatt Miller

Passengers of Pan Am 103……………………….………… Skiler Browne

Maisie Gartner

Aidan Lester

Grace Maxwell

Caleb Merwin

MaryAuna Weber


Tech ……………………………………………………………….. Jordan Merwin

*Student Director …………………..………………...…….. Mackenzie Duncan

*Construction Crew……….…………………………...... Desiree Graber

Braden Kohn

Kiara Marohn

Andrew Milz

*not on run crew

Director ………………………………………………………..………. Kelly Fairchild-Fahrni

Assistant Director ……………………………………………..…. Aaron Knudsvig

A mother from New Jersey roams the hills of Lockerbie Scotland, looking for her son's remains that were lost in the crash of Pan Am 103. She meets the women of Lockerbie, who are fighting the U.S. government to obtain the clothing of the victims found in the plane's wreckage. The women, determined to convert an act of hatred into an act of love, want to wash the clothes of the dead and return them to the victim's families. THE WOMEN OF LOCKERBIE is loosely inspired by a true story. Written in the structure of a Greek tragedy, it is a poetic drama about the triumph of love over hate.