"Drama Geeks"

Started in 2007, the CIHS "Drama Geeks" are those students who have participated in all three productions during the school year, some of which are in rehearsal while the previous one is in performance. "Super Drama Geeks" have been in all four productions during the year the two times this has occurred.

2016-2017 (Pippin, Rumors of Polar Bears, Lady Pirates of the Caribbean)

Anders Baxter

Mackenzie Duncan

Raeann Goetz

Hannah Haglund

Amanda Hosch

Jay Kampa

Madeline Kohn

Kate Larson

Gabriel Maxwell

Celia Mellang

Caleb Merwin

Jordan Merwin

Wyatt Miller

Hailey O’Connor

Kara Olson

Abigail Shogren

Jasmine Stevens

Nicolle Ulrich

Maggie Walsh

2015-2016 (Legally Blonde, Journey to the Edge of the World, Murder's in the Heir)

Sadie Broll

Julia Fisher

Amanda Jensen

Kara Olson

Jasmine Stevens

Celia Mellang

Hailey O'Connor

Ceanna Starr

Nicolle Ulrich

Sophie Wahlstrom

2014-2015 (Back to the 80s, Small Actors, Little Women)

Tyra Anderson

Sadie Broll

Hannah Haglund

Lacey Johnson

Jenny Skalicky

Sarah Titus

Lily Truebenbach

Nicolle Ulrich

Sophie Wahlstrom

2013-2014 (Bye, Bye Birdie, Nora's Lost, A Couple of Tales)

Sadie Broll

David Knutson

Mackenzie Kruse

Blake Olson

Cate Ryeng

Tristen Sima

Jenny Skalicky

Sarah Titus

Sophie Wahlstrom

2012-2013 (Suessical, betweenity, Harvey)

Katrina Barnes

Sadie Broll

Mikaela Kase

Hannah Kloeckl

Tristen Sima

Kara Sundvall

Sarah Titus

Sophie Wahlstrom

Jordan Zurn

2011-2012 (Grease, Property Rites, Fools)

Katrina Barnes

Mikaela Kase

Elizabeth Nault-Maurer

Hannah Palmer

Jessica Peters

Adam Peterson

Andrew Pflipsen

Cassie Terrizzi

Jonathan Wells

Jordan Zurn

2010-2011 (Lil' Abner, The Cave, Ten Little Indians, 4 A.M., the Musical)

"Super Drama Geeks"

Elizabeth Nault Maurer

Andrew Pflipsen

"Drama Geeks"

Noah Bensen

Kate Callen

Madelyn Gunderson

James Hannan

Sydney Johnson

Mikaela Kase

Meghan Morin

Julia Neary

Cora Nelson

Hannah Palmer

Jessica Peters

Adam Peterson

Emily Ramstad

Taylor Lehn

Jonathan Wells

2009-2010 (The Wedding Singer, 4 A.M., Once Upon a Time, Rumors of Polar Bears)

"Super Drama Geeks"

Tylinn Fahrni

James Hannan

Jenn Hannan

Christian Isaac

Mikaela Kase

Georgia Larson

Taylor Lehn

Elizabeth Nault-Maurer

Hannah Palmer

Adam Peterson

Andrew Pflipsen

Jordan Uhrich

Jonathan Wells

"Drama Geeks"

Kate Callen

Adam Heinen

Sydney Johnson

Adelle Nelson

Meghan Morin

Tessa Opatz

Jessica Peters

2008-2009 (Annie, The Least Offensive Play in the Whole Darn World, Four One Acts)

Alex DeVries

Danny Douglass

Tylinn Fahrni

Nikki Klapak

Alicia Kase

Katie O'Brien

Hannah Palmer

Grant Volker

Jonathan Wells

2007-2008 (Beauty and the Beast, I Never Saw Another Butterfly, Fools)

Catherine Bostrom

Alex DeVries

Tylinn Fahrni

Melissa Johnson

Tricia Miller

Thomas Opatz

Anna O'Hara