Thank You

This website would not have been possible without the help of many people. A special thank you goes out to all of them:

Lisa Anderson (former Administrative Assistant-Cambridge-Isanti High School media center)

Deanna Hanson Lindenfelser (Cambridge-Isanti High School English teacher/Drama director 1980-2000)

Kathy (Quarnstrom) Smith (CIHS graduate, class of 1974; Instructional Assistant-Cambridge Middle School)

Julie (Quarnstrom) Nelson (CIHS graduate, class of 1970; former Cambridge-Isanti High School Administrative Assistant)

Brenda (Nelson) Oslund (CIHS graduate, class of 1975; Cambridge-Isanti High School FACS teacher 1989-present)

Ron Hillman (Cambridge-Isanti High School Special Education Teacher 1967-1998)

Bruce Danielson (Cambridge-Isanti High School English, Speech, Math teacher/Drama and Tech director 1985-2014)

Kim Cheney (Cambridge-Isanti Executive Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent 1995-present)