Sexual Behavior

Students were asked, "Have you ever had sexual intercourse ('had sex')?" The following data describes those students who answered, "No."

The questions below were asked of those students who stated that they have had sexual intercourse.

Students were asked, "Have you talked with your partner(s) about...?"

  • Protecting yourselves from getting sexually transmitted infections/HIV/AIDS
  • Preventing pregnancy

The following data describes those students who answered, "At least once with every partner."

Students were asked, "The LAST time you had sexual intercourse, what ONE method did you or your partner use to prevent pregnancy?" The following data describes those students who answered, "No method was used to prevent pregnancy."

Students were asked, "Did you drink alcohol or use drugs before you had sexual intercourse the LAST time?"

** Students who are in grades 5 and 8 were not asked any of the questions above.