Relationship Violence

Students were asked the following question, "Have you ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend in a dating or serious relationship who...?"

  • "Called you names or put you down verbally?"
  • "Hit, slapped or physically hurt you on purpose?"
  • "Pressured you into having sex when you did not want to?"

The following charts reflect those students who answered, "No."

**5th Grade students were not asked these questions.

**8th Grade students were not asked some of these questions.

**5th Grade students were not asked some of these questions.

**8th Grade students were not asked some of these questions.

Students were asked the following question, "Have YOU ever done any of the following to a boyfriend or girlfriend in a dating or serious relationship who...?"

  • "Called him/her names or put him/her down verbally?"
  • "Hit, slapped or physically hurt him/her on purpose?"
  • "Pressured him/her into having sex when he/she did not want to?"

The following charts reflect those students who answered, "No."

**5th Grade students were not asked some of these questions.

**8th Grade students were not asked some of these questions.

**5th Grade students were not asked some of these questions.

**8th Grade students were not asked some of these questions.