Emotional Well Being and Distress

5th Grade

5th grade students were asked, "Thinking back the last 30 days, how much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?"

  • I worry a lot
  • I sometimes feel bad without knowing why

8th - 11th Grades

8th - 11th grade students were asked, "During the last 12 months, have you had SIGNIFICANT problems with...?"

  • Feeling very trapped, lonely, sad, blue, depressed or hopeless about the future
  • Feeling very anxious, nervous, tense, scared, panicked or like something bad was going to happen
  • Thinking about ending your life or committing suicide

Question introduction reads: This question asks about SIGNIFICANT problems. Problems are considered significant when you have them for two or more weeks, when they keep coming back, keep you from meeting your responsibilities, or make you feel like you can't go on.

Items are adapted from the GAIN Short Screener (GAIN-SS) under a license agreement with Chestnut Health Systems, Inc.