2.02 Nonpublic and Interagency Referral

2.02.01 Receiving Referrals

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Notwithstanding any age limits in laws to the contrary, special instruction and services must be provided from birth until July 1 after the child with a disability becomes 21 years old but shall not extend beyond secondary school or its equivalent, except as provided in § 124D.68, subdivision 2. Local health, education, and social service agencies must refer children under age five who are known to need or suspected of needing special instruction and services to the school district. Districts with less than the minimum number of eligible children with a disability as determined by the commissioner must cooperate with other districts to maintain a full range of programs for education and services for children with a disability. This section does not alter the compulsory attendance requirements of §120A.22. Minn. Stat. § 125A.03(b).

2.02.02 Making Referrals

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The [Interagency Early Intervention Committee] must develop and implement interagency policies and procedures concerning the following ongoing duties:

(3) establish and evaluate the identification, referral, child and family assessment systems, procedural safeguard process, and community learning systems to recommend, where necessary, alterations and improvements. Minn. Stat. § 125A.30(b)(3).