Welcome to Early Childhood Family Education!

ECFE Mailing Session 3 Spring 23-24

All ECFE programs include parent education, early childhood education, and parent-child interaction. 

What happens in ECFE? What is ECFE?

ECFE stands for Early Childhood Family Education.  The ECFE programs in Fosston offer classes held at the Fosston High School.  Classes meet once a week for 2 hours.

ECFE Teacher/Parent Education Teacher -- Linette Schwartz

Paraprofessional --Nina Smith

To register or for information, call Linette at 435-6036


Are you on the school district pre-school database? Is there a new baby in your home? Are you new to the district? If so, call our elementary school at 218-435-6036 and we will send you our pre-school database registration sheet. Being added to the database will allow you will receive information on ECFE, Early Childhood Screenings, and Kindergarten Registration. The database also helps the district plan for upcoming enrollment projections as well as funding for ECFE.

Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is a program for all Minnesota families with children between the ages of birth to kindergarten entrance. The program is offered through the Fosston public schools. ECFE is based on the idea that the family provides a child’s first and most significant learning environment and parents are a child’s first and most important teachers. ECFE works to strengthen families. The goal in ECFE’s is to enhance the ability of all parents to provide the best possible environment for their child’s learning and growth.

Young Children are growing at a high speed, so they require guidance and limits as they set out to try everything in sight. Our classrooms are set up to allow children to engage all their senses as they sing, dance, create, build, problem solve, communicate and socialize.

Children gain confidence, trust and independence as their parents separate for a facilitator-led parenting time, which focuses on parent generated topics including eating, toilet learning, separation anxiety, and language development as well as other relevant topics.

Each class provides many opportunities for your children to develop social and problem-solving skills while you enjoy some uninterrupted high -quality play and learning together time. You will also leave with new ideas and activities that reinforce the weekly classroom activities and new tools to use in your parenting journey.